5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Looks like it’d pass to me!

'Till sunset :tup:

So 8 to 9pm-ish

And Tyler, yeah you’re tie down passes.

That tie down is fine. Factory tie downs will not be turned down! (Unless they are grossly unsafe).

Just to be sure, a copy our birth cert. is ok right ?

speaking of tie downs…
What are you looking for?
Mine’s an eyehook and a bolt…
Passed tech last season and at auto cross a few times.
Reckon I should be fine :smiley:

Technically, No.
No security features in a photocopy.
Cananda bitches about it time to time. US has just been taking them.
You will be ok with it.

^Hmmmm, mabye to be safe I may just bring the org. too

Well my car officially won’t be ready (it’s on a lift w/ no wheels on, needs oil/trans/diff change, brake fluid, pads/rotors, test pipes among other things) but I’m driving up to spectate, eat, etc… If anyone needs a ride from Rochester PM me.

My battery is located in my trunk, in a box. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. I checked over my engine bay, and I’ve made sure everything that wiggled, doesn’t anymore. Should be good as gold this year. Had a bit of trouble last year, I just skimmed by, passing.

is there a cruise up being organized?

Still got a drivers spot for any last minute dooders that want to drive.

Someone buy it or my wife’s BMW is gonna get beaten up…and that may put me in the doghouse. Help me save my marriage…

Yes, meet at the walmart at 8 am leaving at 8:30 per the e-mail that was sent out. It is off the thompson rd exit on the qew.

Fuck your marriage drive the bimmer!!!

there is someone on the onyx syndicate boards looking for a spot, go there, sell your spot, have sex

What email?

did you register?

You had to give your e-mail when you registered. PM me your e-mail and I can forward the info to you.

Yes I’m registered. My email is RedStarquesTSi@yahoo.com

what about shitty OEM tires that come stock on my wrx…haha :wiggle:

Does someone have the exact address that I can mapquest

Theres a link in the e-mail.