5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Ahhh, paypal should clear tommorow, after that Im on it


was it pretty seamless?

Pretty much, quite straight forward. Fill out a form, paypal, done.

there is a lot going on behind the scenes and we had a few people test it, but I am always leery when it is something that has to do with other peoples $$. Just wanted to make sure that everything went through as planned, like the e-mails and such. There is about 1000 lines of code behind that form probably more, and 1 little error could cause catastrophe.

Yeah I’m well aware of the coding at work, it’s not a simple task. Even more so when it comes to making it painless/user friendly, but in this case it was very much so. Kudos to whoever did all the work. :tup:

That would be tpgsr :tup:

And yes, I’ve got your payment & registration just fine :tup:

I’ll bring the frisbees :slight_smile:


yea… now that i think of it…i prob wont show.

i think i hate meets

haaaaa haaa ahaa

When nobody’s looking i’m gonna switch from regular frisbees to frisbee golf drivers


All signed up

You weren’t going to go anyway. See your title for clarification.

Are you bringing someone else with you?

EDIT: Nevermind :ham:


ur such a silly goose


Skunk + Track = :ohnoes:

can SUV’s run the track? looking to take a turbo cayenne.

they told me no for my SS