518 residents. Do you like where you live?

? Again, you’ve never done it so how would you know?

Kramer’s right, living/working/playing there is different than taking a weekend trip. Everyone bitches about traffic but 99.999% of people who live in cities dont drive to work. Everyone bitches about crime but if you live there you dont get lost in rapeville. Everyone bitches about AIDS but AIDS isnt so bad… right?

$.02, just sayin. It’s different. And far more awesome than you might guess. Imagine living somewhere where there is always something NEW to do every night? World class entertainment? Or where you’re constantly tripping over the most beautiful women in the country (damn you Kramer, Manhattan is sophisticated, intelligent, beautiful women Mecca)? Montreal has a surprising ratio of great talent tho, if you live in Alb you need to go.

Dont hate on city life because traffic sucked during your weekend trip to Times Square.