518 residents. Do you like where you live?

Many downsides as well, hence the post above yours.

At least if you’re moving somewhere for a career you have a damn big + going over all the negatives. Hell I don’t like NYC but if I had a good gig lined up it would be my favorite place to be.

Kind of funny… because I looked this place up and it was rated #4 best place to live in America. There are downsides every where… you have to weigh the pros and cons.

Why the big secret about “this place”.

no secret… Bellevue, WA or somewhere in region 1 of Washington

Vlad you’re an absolute idiot and have no idea what you’re talking about as usual. :slight_smile:

Not everybody in the city gets paid higher for equal jobs yet the rent is universally higher there than suburbs.

True or not?

Edit: Thought you were staying out of this once you put the tail between the legs?

And that smiley face is a work of pure genius at the end of an immature name calling without providing any logic or evidence :tbu

Not necessarily true.


Stallmer, you actually have to show up somewhere to move there.

