518 residents. Do you like where you live?


You just don’t understand because you’ve never lived in the city. Everything is expensive as a college student, yes the city is worse but it’s what you make out of it. You have to be a little more creative with your time then just going to the bars or clubs all the time. Like Kramer said… the entertainment options are unlimited. If you like a band, any good band or music group chances are they have played or are going to play at nyc. I regret not taking advantage of this more. I hate the majority of NY sports but you have the opportunity to go to a variety of different games.

There is so much to explore in the city, that you could literally never run out of places to see. It is one of the most diverse cities in the country so you will never run out of new culture to experience.

Biggest downside for me was not being able to drive, I loved that personal freedom.

Depends on the city… I found people in Seattle and Bellvue to be super nice. Everyone in NYC is just in a rush and won’t let you get in there way.

I’ve mentioned that I lived in a city, but I guess not “the city”. So “the city” is superior to other cities.

Still sports and music entertainment, gotcha. I guess I just don’t value those those two high enough to change my entire life around that, especially if I can still arrange to enjoy them by visiting if needed.

Haven’t heard many city folk talking about “exploring” the city, seems more like a tourist thing to do. :ponder

You are just the worst kind of person.

It can be irritating to enter into a discussion with you vlad, it seems you like to sarcastically generalize any point your fellow members make and never come close to budging from any set-in-stone viewpoint you may have. You simply cannot appreciate the offerings of a large city until you have lived in one. That is a fact, not a crutch used by city people to “prove their point.” I’m “done” with this discussion turned argument, I’ve given plenty of tangible, relative and real reasons why I enjoy living in the city and you don’t see, admit or appreciate the advantages of any of them. I’m not ticked off or angry and I don’t dislike you, I’m just sick of feeling like I’m trying to convince a three year old that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla :slight_smile:


At least I’m not brainwashed into thinking the city is the cats meow.

One of my best friends moved to the city for a job about 8 months ago, lives in Brooklyn. Works, goes out on weekends and occasionally visits back up here. No epic stories, no experiences of a lifetime, just living. He has a blast when he visits and he loves how much cheaper it is to go out here than there.

I’m just saying.

Sports and music entertainment and the vast experiences of “nature” in central park, I gotcha :lol

I prefer upstate new york compared to the city, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a lot of fun and I can see why Kramer enjoys it so much. He has the best of both worlds, his campus is nice and open, sort of like a park… but then he can go right into the heart of the city.

Shame on you Vlad for using the term… “the cats meow” Just awful

I’m sorry

Does “is the titties” work better for you? :lol

Kramer may have it good, but you agreed that a campus life experience in the city is quite different than just living in the boroughs and being broke and never enjoying your car toys.

x2 except i really can do whatever i want out here on the farm. If i were to move anywhere it’d be Virginia, Tennessee or Kentucky, and it would be way the fuck out there in the sticks

Boom, case in point. Have fun continuously preaching your opinion and scaring away people who view differently and are capable of having a civilized discussion on the topic without getting banned or threatening to kick your ass lol

I didn’t have a campus life in the city. My school didn’t have dorms and for the spring semester I slept on a couch in the UES. This was my campus.


I visited Kramer at Fordham and that campus is fucking badass. Had a blast. Plan on visiting again whether he likes it or not.

My experience was infinitely different than his because I didn’t have dorms or anything. I pledged a fraternity and in doing that I saw allll of the city. I left because if I stayed there I would have ended up having to take out school loans and I didn’t want to do that. I wouldn’t have been much in debt, but nothing compares to living with your parents and commuting to school when your looking to save money.

You’ve had your chance to “sell” me the city experience any way you wanted, and those were the only things you could come up with.

If somebody is defending their point I would expect them to have some solid arguments to come back. I can sit here and make a list of things that you can do by living in the Cap Region that you can’t do in the city and multiple advantages along with it. I would expect you to do the same if you had a point.

Arguments are all about supporting your point and not appreciating the other, you’re really going to hold that against me?

Correct, that is what arguments are all about. I care enough about my point of view to have a discussion about the topic but I don’t care enough about your point of view to have an argument about it.

Now that you put it this way. Fair enough and point taken.

Back to the topic at hand.

So who else likes living here? :number1

Albany is great for working, I have 2 jobs making a ton of money working as many hours as I want, but Albany is boring as hell, only thing to do is go to bars every day and that gets old really quick, everything being expensive sucks to. Florida was fun, tons of stuff to do but the people are retarded and its hard as hell to find a job. The in-between seasons are terrible up here with cold rain all the time, but the summers are great and I love the snow/mountains close by. I’m going to try somewhere else once I get some more money together, not sure where yet

Kramers a bitch /thread

I like the north va. area :slight_smile: I still own my house in the selkirk/feura bush area though too. The job market down here is just wayy better, you can make 5x the amount of money down here.

This thread has got me thinking about moving.

There is no ideal best place to live, otherwise every one would be living there.

Just remember, no matter what the area is, there will be people that don’t like it, for a large variety of reason.

No matter where you move to, most likely at first it will be a period of high expectations and raised happiness, then after a few months you will find out all the things that are negative about the location and you will average out in the middle somewhere between the new realistic positives and knowing all the negatives.

Place I’ve considered has many benefits and I would only move out there if I had the job that I’m seeking.