This big picture will obviously involve fees, levies, taxes or fines if they don’t or can’t comply. I suppose if I was a commie bastard who doesn’t understand capitalism I would miss the economic side of this…or should I say,this side of the economics… and just another attack on the free market.
When a football team keeps losing, it needs to score more points, not make the goal posts wider.
On the flip side… it may end up packaged as a “rebate” if you do buy an more environmentally friendly vehicle… would that be the same as a tax on a gas guzzler? Is that ok… should the Gov’t give our tax dollars out to those that use less? It’s a big question and we obviously have used those methods before with Luxery and Gas Guzzler taxes. In the end it amounts to more regulation. Argue if thats good.
Arguments can be made on both sides legitimately… but lets see what the ramifications are if a company doesn’t meet those standards.
When safety is involved, regulations need to be solid, butIm not convinced the government has a good track record in energy together with the enviroment… lets see, in 2012 we can not buy incondescant light bulbs in NY… instead just CFL’s that contain mercury. What about millions of cars with batteries…
What goes in, must come out. No one rides for free.