600hp 3000gt

…or at least thats what the license plate says. This is like a 92 white VR-4 w/some chromey spoke wheels that is always parked in the Siebert/McKnight shopping plaza. Has anyone else seen it and does the license plate hold truth? If I can get some business cards off The White One, see if we can’t get him on here to chat. He must work at the UPS store or something. I dont see a gearhead working at Brueggers Bagels or the mattress store…but ya never know

i doubt it

i remember a few yrs back a few of us were in uniontown and there was a guy there with a silver 3000gt claiming he had a ton of hp (forget how much he said) but what dirty goerg & I didn’t understand was why he had a neon shift knob??

if you have a car that has a 500+hp why would you put a neon shift knob on it.

I to have seen this car in the shopping plaza. I never saw the plate though, just the front end (has a front mount that is pretty hard to see if you were on the street). If he does have 600 hp then its pretty stealthy.

I am sure it added AT LEAST 10hp :ugh2:

He does have close to 600,i ran into the whole pack of vr4,s and stealths one day and followed em to the stadiums and on the way i fucked with alot of them. He wouldn,t run and later i found out he was pushing big numbers on the dyno that day… They all i thought i ran noz. LOL

he needs that much HP to move that pile of junk car.there heavy as fuck

LOL…Heavy huh…300ZX are only like 150-200lbs lighter…not any lightweight there

anyone ever see the “state farm” vr4?
the slogan is on top and the bottom with state farm in the middle :doh:

lol there about 300pds lighter my car 3400 3000gt vr4 around 3788

i saw this car last year running down mcknight towards wexford…it was pretty beat and more like 150 hp than anything

i remember that night. I think it was actually at Mt. Pleasant. Right after Jay got the 240 done and he was ripping donuts in the Wal-Mart parking lot and you videotaped it. It was a that ugly urine yellow color. I raped his ass on the highway later tha night.

thats closer to 400lbs. That would be like having Kolar and one of his late night hookups riding in your car at all times.

i have seen this car at mcknight siebert, sitting at work one day in a tow truck seen it pull up. Guy was dressed like a bussinessman. sounded like he couldn’t drive a stick too well either. Just my opionin, if you look there is a roll cage in that car also. i don’t see why it would need one unless it was putting down some good numbers

according to that its 3500lbs

according to my balls your tongue is kinda rough.

damn pig cars :frowning:

(irony post… cobra weighs 3665)


hahahaha your Cobra weighs 10lbs less then my big ass truck…Thats a pig of a car and its not even AWD and AWS sterring like a VR4

lol, doubtful

one ride in the cobra, and you’d be hooked lol

picture your car, with rwd, with a v8, more efficient blower, and lots more boost