'66 Corvette and custom CBR600RR

Rushed is anything less than 2 hrs… Truth be told


Takes a lot of time to frame something and setup a shot to come out like you want. I’d rather spend a ton of time out shooting the car making sure everything is spot on then spending more time post processing then I’d like too. With the thing you do dan that we were PMing about I can imagine it takes a little bit of time

What Dan said.

The 'Vette was repositioned once, literally I don’t think we shot for even 5 minutes lol. Most of the shots are as they came out of camera RAW with a simple curves adjustment.

Any shoot takes at least 2 hours minimum to properly do, a good 30 of those minutes are doing and setting up rig shots. Not to mention sorting through shots and editing later.

I wish a lot of locations were more easily and legally accessible too. An old warehouse would be great to shoot in but most property owners can’t be bothered or want $$$ which isn’t in the budget.

sometimes it takes 5 mins just to process that many images at once … and then yea your looking at a min of 30 mins