$67 Million Pants



It even overshadowed the drunken driving trial of former Mayor Marion Barry.




The court costs amount to just over $1,000 for photocopying, filing and similar expenses, according to the Chungs’ attorney. A motion to recover the Chungs’ tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees will be considered later.

I seriously hope they win the motion to have that dumbass pay all their lawyer fees.

  • BUMP *


Case dismissed, dumbass ordered to pay court costs.



that would be awesome if they brought it to judge judy.


she is small claims… so wouldn’t happen

I’m glad that guy got nothing. F him.

Now they need to dismiss the IDIOT judge that allowed the original judgement. The fact that that the law is executed to the letter is completely irrational and idiotic. There are many people in the judicial system that think this way and they should be removed from their positions for incompetence.

I think the law is always open to interpretation and that is the FUNCTION of a judge. He is not there to simply to quantify a decision or decide a punishment. He is there to interpret the law as it may apply to the specific case/issue in question. The judge is there to use common sense and to make sure everyone is treated FAIRLY.

Events like the original decision identify the massive (ass)holes in this countries judicial system. These people should be stripped of their credentials immedialely because they are ruining this country and our lives by setting new precedents of stupid.

At least the fucking scumbag didn’t get to keep his job after all.

updated 7:04 p.m. ET, Tues., Nov. 13, 2007
WASHINGTON - A judge who lost a $54 million lawsuit against his dry cleaner over a pair of missing pants has lost his job, District of Columbia officials confirmed.

Roy Pearson’s term as an administrative law judge expired May 2 and the D.C. Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges has voted not to reappoint him, Lisa Coleman, the city’s general counsel, wrote Nov. 8 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Associated Press.

Pearson was one of about 30 judges who worked in the Office of Administrative Hearings, which handles disputes involving city agencies. He had held his position for two years.




IB4 he sues over it.

america is doomed because of broken links?

Check the dates. :slight_smile:

i think it would be funny if the guy got the money, got a nice car and crashed it. doesnt die because that would be harsh. but instead has to lay in a bed all his life or something where he cant spend it.

sorry just realized shit hit the fan for this guy. lol sucks to be him


  • BUMP *

Case dismissed, dumbass ordered to pay court costs.


THANK GOD! that there are judges out there that undestand that law is open to interpretation


america is doomed because of broken links?


Yeah that link is 6 months old…google it.

The guy suing, her was a judge…

Notice was, he’s not anymore:redface:

Bump - apparently, it’s not over:

apparently, he really wants his $54 Million for his missing pants…


Another hearing sought in missing pants case
The former U.S. judge is not giving up after losing initial $54 million lawsuit

updated 1 hour, 28 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - A former U.S. judge who unsuccessfully sued his South Korean immigrant dry cleaners for $54 million over a lost pair of pants is not giving up.

Roy Pearson has filed a petition with an appeals court, requesting the case be reheard — this time by a nine-judge panel.

Pearson claimed Custom Cleaners failed to live up to its promise of “Satisfaction Guaranteed.”

Three appellate judges agreed last month that Pearson failed to show the store’s advertising amounted to fraud and said his argument defied logic.

In asking for a hearing before the entire court, Pearson argues the three-judge panel failed to address all the issues in his appeal.

I wish I had enough time in the day to finger fuck myself in the ass like this cock gobbler does. Jesus fucking Christ, quit wasting people’s time.

Even if some scumbag lawyer shows that the cleaner was committing fraud, are missing pants, that I believe he got back anyway, worth $54million?

What a fucking d-bag.