7 Springs 2007-2008

Oh ok we’re not going up until later in the day.

right on bro! That’s actually really decent for like 1st/2nd time out! Keep shredding the gnar…

i go up a few times a week. Im always in the parks.(snowboard)

Matt, hope you made it up. The skiing was great!

I got balled up yesterday. I could hardly walk today haha. But thankfully I stayed on my board and not on my face or ass for about the last 3 hrs.

went up yesterday (monday) night session. omg it was awesome! soft, but firm enough that you could get some speed. Finally cleared the flat bar in the north park and started spinning some off of the 2nd small jump. Took part in a 20+ person train on the jump line. Good times.

May have been the last one for the year. Already getting thin in spots. Rain won’t help.


just don’t see them blowing a lot of snow this late in the season. If we don’t get a big non-rain storm, they won’t be open for more than about 2 weeks.

Also, rumor has it they want to cut back on the parks next year. Supposedly they think the spot doesn’t get enough use to justify its existence. You can send mail to terrainpark@7springs.com and let them know how good of a job they do and how by having 3 parks they can keep the crowds spaced out over the mountain.

^^ The pipe was all ice. I’m not brave enough for that but it was funny watching heads get broke from the lift lol

yep, solid ice last week. absolutely perfect yesterday because of the warmer temp. their pipe grooming is pretty fantastic and it really is one of the best pipes I’ve ridden. Well, it’s really good when it is not ice.

We had a great w/e up there, awesome conditions. The snow was too soft yesterday but the warm air temps and nice sunshine made up for it a little.

Yesterday was also the property owners luncheon the CEO said that they will do their best to keep as much open through March as they can and they will still blow more snow when the weather permits.

Yeah right… thats just to keep you people happy that spent 250k plus on a home up there… they are done basically…

yeah, not to gang up on you panx, but I have never seen them blow into march. I don’t trust a nutting or dupstadt as far as I can throw them. and with the rumors of cutting terrain parks up in the air, I’m even more unsure of their intentions. Really, the terrain and vert up there is pretty much crap.

I just hope they still have bumps for the comp on the 16th during spring carnival…

I hear ya guys (and I agree), I was just relaying what the guy said. :slight_smile:

It is looking bad on the ski report…

Seven Springs opens Friday… Anyone going?

I might have to hit it up, especially with the new snow coming tonight. I still have yet to go get my **** out of my locker from last year :rofl:

Depending on how wrecked I get at the Steeler game tonight… will depend if I go tommorow or not, lol

ill probably will be up there

im in for saturday… and pumped!

I might skip work tomorrow to go up :slight_smile: