7 Springs 2007-2008

i have two more weeks until my knee is able to take the abuse. I can’t wait!


What did you do to it?

thought about that lol… but most likely i will bush out and not call off

I would love to do that too and could in any other situation… but my dad is leaving to go to Vettefest in Chicago to get his Nova that he just finished to get judged… so I HAVE to be here and springs is only open till 7… so… looks like no boarding for me :frowning:

Taking the boys out of school early and hope to be on the slopes by 2:30.

Foggy Goggle meet up?

F*uck all of you bastards!

:love: Goggle

Cry baby…

ya… well at least its only november this year so theres still tons of time to go up… saturday it is though!!!

i just bought some skis for this year. So i will be up there quite a few time this summer. Foggy goggle sounds great

This summer I tore my meniscus and sprained my MCL. I got surgery two weeks ago on it.

probably going up sunday. only planning on opening the small park, wagner, fawn, and stowe trail but maybe that will change if they get some snow today and tomorrow.


Ouch… you better give it a little more rest than 2 weeks!! Hope it feels better… because when were drunk and I wreck your ass off the trail, I don’t want to hear you crying :moon:

4 weeks is total recovery time. I can hold my own, not sure if I will be comfortable flying off of wagner though!

I can’t wait… jumping the top of Wagner is not bad… it can be when your drunk and its icy tho! The older I get… the more I drink, and the less I ride. :beer:

hopefully they will have some terrain setup in the frosty bowl as they are calling it…

I was palying basketball 4 weeks after my Arthriscopic surgery. you will be good to go in 2 weeks. Did you get the cool Ice pump that wraps around your knee?

anybody thats going up tomorrow that wants to meet up pm me and ill give you my cell number…should be up there around noon depending on how long i sleep in

Yep, that thing was great! That and guitar hero got me through the days sitting on the couch. Showering was the only piece that sucked, it would have been nice if I had a walk in shower instead of a tub.

who rides what? i am a 2 planker i would like to try boarding but all my buddies are into jumping **** and my knees are shot, and i am really not into getting hurt as much as i used to be

First year I didn’t get Springs season pass; I got so bored last year and ended up doing stupid ish beyond my skill level on half pipes and stuff.

I’m two years out of ACL/MCL on left knee and still can’t do lateral movement or ski. I switched to snow boarding last year and would never go back to skiing even if I could. I wear a huge brace for everything.

Anyhow, check out Hidden Valley… they have really done some upgrading. And even if it still sucks, the good news, up through Dec. 6th, as that it is FREE.
That never sucks.