well after filling up last sunday i attempted to go to the caste village show, and my engine just quits on me…smoke on each side…find out my rod bearings are toast…
ive bought 3.42 gears, a 2800 coan converter and trans go shift kit…but thinking even abuilt th350 wont handle the torque of the turbos…so i may go a different route and save these for another project…v8rx7
i’m thinking a built st-400(switchpitch th400) or a bop adapter for a 4l80e with full valve body…
new build will be
burton machine twinturbo kit
burton machine sheetmetal singleplane intake
burton machine chevy roller rocker conversion plate(maybe roller cam if i can figure a cheap lifter rememdy)
gs-114 cam
forged 8.5 pistons
forged connecting rods
ta oversized valves
head porting
will be close to 400 n/a
and shooting for 650-700 hp on 8psi boost…
325-50-15 mt street radials
so my twinturbo build will be following suit
…just need to bum rides til it’s completed…or if my truck happens to get done
Was just loking on that guys site. All that turbo stuff is from ebay. Nothing looks of quality, the log manifolds are primitive the turbos are not going to last and the wg and bov together should have been 100.00. I just think your money was wasted. you chould have pieced that kit together for alot less money.
I dig it man! I have never heard of Burton machine before I’m going to check the site out when I’m through here. The th350 can handle the turbos and the torque BUT you need to get an aftermarket hardend intermediate sprag race. It’s cheap less than $60 but they also sell the whole drum and sprag assembly for a little over $300. I’d like to see your Buick 350 built they way you want with the parts you chose. Everyone knows that if your take your time and get all the parts to work in unisyn everything will be alright. As long as your get a GOOD TUNE, use a boost setting that is within your turbo’s efficient range and include an intercooler in the system. Fuel is KEY the fuel system has to be able to keep up. I’m completely into this thread, plus I’m kindof a Buick nutcase.