78 percent of Americans want 40 mpg legislation

One word: diesel

Yeah me too! Our cars are so slow and aweful to drive.

Have fun with that.:roll2:

I’m happy with over 30 in my old carbed Honda. It is all about weight of the car. I guess it makes up for all the boats I’ve driven over the years.

And JJ is right on the diesel thing.

Diesel > *
I don’t know If I could drive something that gets less than what I get now.
and I love the smell of diesel. So I think I need a knocker.

Meh I usually get <15 mpg and it doesn’t bother me any.

i look at it this way:

i have a truck. i (for the most part) have always had trucks. I had one car, and while it got upwards of 20-30 mpg, i did not like it at all. i have learned to accept the fact that in order for me to have a vehicle that satisfies my general needs and desires, i will have to make some sacrifices. in this case, having to spend a decent amount of my money on gas is the sacrifice i have to make to be happy with my vehicle, and im quite ok with that, and wouldnt trade my pickup truck for anything.

right… but if i do remember correctly you did try to sell your “precious truck” about 204 times this past year… :hitit:

You must haul a lot of cargo!

Or a whole shitload of slow diesels that get 40mpg…

i dunno, as much as i think we need some sort of help on gas, the huge suv drivers can stfu because its not like someone forced them to buy a 6000lb 10 passenger vehicle…

my parents have a 06 tahoe z71… yet they dont go on trips with it because they prefer to fly, and they obviously don’t haul much but they just prefer an suv and suck up the gas prices with it… so if the 78% were suv drivers, they can trade in their suv for 10 prius’…

What the 78% don’t get is that that kind of legislation would totally transform the American roadway. TDI Jetta’s would be the big baller cars. Civics and Corrollas would be considered “big” by the new standard. The road would be crammed full of festivas and aveo’s. No more trucks. The price of homes and the like would skyrocket as contractors could no longer afford their work truck fleets. I’ve been to countries where everything is a 40mpg+ car (only it was because gas is >$6/gallon) and everyone drives these little peugots and fiats. Not saying that it’s bad, it just wouldn’t work in this country.

I’d like a car that gets better than the 13 mpg I’m getting in my TA, but by the same token, you pay to play. I love driving around in my car with the ttops down and hearing the rumble of the V8. So I don’t really care what the gas mileage is because to me, its worth it. People will do what they want to do.

I want to know the demographics for this survey. did they only survey lower - middle class people, which the gas prices will effect much more, or was it a more well rounded group of every class?

I have heard this line for the reason people like trucks and SUVs “they make me feel safer”, I think that is a false sense of security, you have no maneuverability to avoid an accident as well as having to stop an extra ton. People like that don’t care about getting 15 mpg because they feel “safe”

I get paltry fuel economy in the 900, about 18mpg on average, but thats because my commute is 2.5 miles of city traffic. If I’m cruising on the highway its mid 30’s, which is fine for me.

Personally with my short commute, I wouldnt think twice about getting a fuel-inefficient pig of a v8 if thats what I wanted. However if I still had my old commute of 35 miles each way, I would definitely be looking into a car that got 30-40mpg.