8/27/06 Seneca Grand Prix #4

Of course this trash talk won’t hold up long, once I drive his car I won’t be able to say anything :slight_smile:

The official report from the Doc is in! It’s just a strained muscle that should heal in the next few days if I give it proper rest :smiley: :smiley:

And it’s in my right elbow… I have learned how to left hand shift pretty well over the last 48 hours, so I’ll continue doing that so that it’s as rested up as possible for Friday and Sunday.

im in. as usual

check the wny-scca.com forums for the course map.

registration at 8:30?

Registration will hopefully be up and running by 8:00am and go to 9, with the driver’s meeting at 9:30 - first car off by 10am. So be prompt and punctual. Pre register to make the line go faster.