8 Car Accident on The Ring

Still lives there. Actually was just home for awhile and headed back over to Europe a couple days ago.


ok that sucks and all, but that looks so cool. :rofl


it’ll buff out

video of the “warning” for the construction zone


fuck the E36, that’s a 3.8RS cup :‘(:’(:‘(:’(:‘(:’(:‘(:’(

i drove a rental around those countries and the ones near them last year, i put like 3500 miles on the car.

Still pissed I missed the ring tho.

Yep, the car i had rented hit 120-125 mph but i got it to do 135ish down hills LOL big POS the car was tho, it was new at least. I think it was a vauxhall, can’t remember.

I was driving in the left lane for most of my time on the highways in france tho, i didnt pay a damn single attention to any speed limits at any time. Well in switzerland I did because it felt like the police were out and about in their cars more.

There was a bunch of times tho i had to GTFO the way and over to the middle when some other cars , mostly porsches came flyin by… I tried to stay with them while cruisin around 120 but didnt work out

had it like that for 15-20 minutes at a time :lol

Yea, it was a nice day for the trip to Paris so I had it on the floor the entire way. Was a damn slow pos though… lol. It was also fairly busy so I stayed completely out of the left other than to pass. I was getting passes probably ever 1-2 minutes. (not counting just your average passing, I’m talking HOLY SHIT kind of passing)