***9/02/07 NYSpeed end of summer BBQ @ Letchworth ***PAYMENT Deadline 8/20***

95% of the people who paid always go, But if you want to go and havent paid thats fine, just no eligibilty to win door prizes and no entitlement to food.

Taffys tonite 930, Ill update this when i get home from the fair.

Im waiting on a list from TPGSR who has really been tied up lately at work and hasnt had much time for himself let alone planning a BBQ. So if you paypal’d and are not on the list please be paitent if you sent it im positive he has it and you will be added asap. Everything should settle in the next few days and i will have a good idea of where everything stands for the money for food/drink and other door prizes.
Please remember we wont be supplying beer because i / we dont want the liability of having it accessable to minors so beer/ liquor is up to you. We will have pop , actually please list some preferances, ie coke pepsi, tea.