91 integra ls 18a1

shit is dumpy

Why dose the exhaust exit on the passenger side rear?

Hey if you still need an LS cable tranny, I think my buddy has one he would sell. PM me if you want details.

it actually needs another coat and clear nothing wrong with spray cans if u know how do it right

yeah bro i gotta budget thing for now. i work at price chopper but i make more then some full time employees and i work nights hahahah i make almost 12.50 hahahah ive been there since way back in high school 6 yrs i believe this spring… but im hoping to get the other 2 sooon its bugging me

thats the way its ran up for now its a megan drift cat-back i bought it off my best friend i need a knew exhaust manifold shits alll fucked up and rigged bc of previous owner but i just hooked the muffler on for now

PPPMMM SENNT i also NEEEEDDD COILOVERS!!! perfect time to do it when swapping a clutch and tranny


This car is going the wrong way fast


I dont understand why people dump money into needless shit for a car, when there are problems with all the STOCK stuff:

Hood: forget about the rattle can paint job. There is a few dents in it, 2 hole where a badge used to be. Either weld the hole in or put a badge back on. And coming from a body guy rattle can paint jobs are never auto quality. And btw you could have gotten the OEM white and cheap clear coat for about $100 and did it right yourself. Also one of the gayest things with cars are the black hood on what ever color. IT DOENT FOOL SOMEONE FROM A DISTANCE INTO THINKING ITS CARBON FIBER.

front bumper: cracked and either a big drip or another crack down low.

Drivers side front fender is missing trim

Drivers side rear fender is mising trim

Pass side fender is missing trim.

Pass side door is either dented or the trim is jacked up

Pass side rockers are 75% missing

Both rear fenders have honda cancer

rear bumper is falling off

Little bit of driver side rear rocker is missing

From a distance maybe thats a CF gas door… wait nope paint it white

Ditch the alteza’s they went out of style in 1999

Match the wheels again

Your OP said you want stock appearance and didnt want cops to bother you when your BBBBBOOOOOOOSSSSSSSTTTTEEDDDD. The way it sits now, your already a magnet.

Get the repairs out of the way and then hop it up. If you dont have the proper skills to get the shit done, ask for help, or save your money and have it done right. Nothing people hate more around here are cars falling apart that have $2000 into an ebay turbo kit, when they could have put the $2000 into making the car LEGIT and clean once again.

junk it and start over or use it as a winter beater

Drift cat-back huh…to you kick it out side wayzzzzzzzz

well you can rant alll you want bud ive done 10x more work since these were taken. ive actually descided i dont like the tails either i havent owned the car for a year. and BTW i DO have those trim pieces they werent on the car when i bought it. the worst part of this car is the rockers. YES i would have loved to go carbon fiber with the hood would haveee loooved to i planned on it with tax money other things became priority> YOU CANT BUILD A CAR AND DO IT 1 DAY. ive realined the trunk and got it to lock a stay open the worst part of this car is the body never the less. im a honda lover. i could litteraly work on my car 24 hrs a day …lol which i have hahah this is my first project so im learning to do work myself.>>>i know the people that can do it.are you going to lend me 4,000$$+ shit prolly more to have the body done. i haaate egay shit unless i HAVE to. i got shitty tails so… better the being pulled over just for that reason because the oems were not visable enough. im going to yank the fogs. and going with jdm’s … also i ONLY PAID 700$ i work a part time job at a grocery store were i never have guarranteed hrs maybe 25 to 30 at most. i also have to buy the tools also. would you like to be doing body work in the snow 25 degrees?? ive only just begun working on the body. if im going boost im going to piece it together…this car prolly wont be done til MAYBE 2012, if theres a 2013 lmao

this vid will explain alot he has a gsr in it i knoowww every DA9 owner has come acrossed it. this da = sex

hey man i know its prolly not my friends and i were joking about it. i used to get pulled over for old catback the packing was shot and my “illegal” exhaust so i canned it and bought his and we were like ohh well if a cop says something just be like “ya man its a drift exhaust its rear wheel” lmao you just bull shit them around here city cops dont do much except bust your balls be us “honda” guys know a LOTTT of them from our chill spot in the summer sherrifs are dicks and troppers are cocky assholes

Young PJB?

so wait… :lol

your willing to waste 4k+ on a dumpy DA, when you can get a clean un-modded one for WAY cheaper then that and still have money left over for extra stuff…

Hey if you think what your doing is the right thing… Have at it…

what? Just stop… seriously, please. Your exhaust was illegal because it was loud as hell man. And I’d love to see you try and bullshit any cop around here, its not going to happen… I don’t know what the hell you think you’re talking about, but its not true. The police are not retarded enough to listen to any bullshit you’re spewing out about a drift exhaust being rear wheel or whatever the hell it is you’re saying.

The city cops don’t bust our balls… the only time the police came to any spot was because your friends were retarded as fuck and had skanks there that were starting fights and spitting on other skanks because theyre fucking skanks and had babies at 12 years old. In which the skanks baby is a skank that im sure spits on other skanks because theyre fucking skanks. Fuck. But of course that was the dirtbag that you bought your car from. The other time the cops came someone in our crew called them… and told them to come because Neil and Josh were fighting and people had fucking weapons. Some scumbag showed up and had a fucking gun… we’re not there to fuck around with that shit.

Seriously man, its not the police that are harrassing YOU… its YOUR car. I have an aftermarket exhaust on my hatch, not once have I been pulled over. Shane, Jeremiah, Jeff, Matt, Mike, Billy… all own Hondas, none of them were ever pulled over. Jesse’s exhaust is loud as shit on his Sentra, he was never pulled over for his exhaust. Your exhaust is fucking loud. Understand that. Since its so loud, its fucking ILLEGAL. I have no front plate, and an expired 10 day. I still havent been pulled over… your car sticks out and you make it stick out by the way you drive.

That car sucks.

I ran an open exhaust on my K20 swap for about a month or so and didn’t get pulled over once, actually I did ONCE, and he said nothing but “please keep it down, and put a muffler on”

^^ good god was that loud :rofl

Ya know hoag you guys bring on the trouble yerself you tools are running around with loud as exhaust and running the cars up to like 7,000rpms all the time or Jay is going down to albany and getting nailed for street racing… Trust me I know cops will harrass people with loud cars if you give them a reason too my eclipse was loud as fuck and bright orange and yes i use to get on the gas hard but I learned my lesson and ive tried Explaining that to you and chris both.You wanna talk about people messing up the spot everybody use to hang out at What about the nites your use to drive up and down in front of Advance auto running the civic up to like 5grand and it bouncing off the buildings and i have to admit your car is loud as hell… Change your shoes or what ever makes u have that dam lead foot and slow it down

Morel of the story…

Dont be a ricer.

ooo god someone make it stop!!!