Looking forward to finally seeing this…
Looking forward to finally seeing this…
It looks great in person. The white interior really works. It’s odd standing in the hatch of the car, feet on the ground, working on the rear of the car.
Also, OMG is life easier working with an NA engine and a stripped engine bay. It took us like 30 minutes to get the engine in, compared to about a day the last time we did an engine (turbo engine, mostly stock car, all drivetrain still in - really complicates things). I’d say in it’s current condition, this car is as easy to work on as a non-German car. :headbang:
bump wheres the completed pics;)
Hahaha, Car isnt done, but here it is in Philly this past weekend
what are the scoops on the drivers side for? blk on blk is hot
Air intake for the turbo sits right behind the two naca ducts.
She cleans up decently well, but I cant wait to repaint (not this year though).
Did a ton of cleaning today (it seems like I’m always cleaning, but then again, I’m always making a mess). So I didnt do a ton on the car. But I did strip the 944S engine down to the bare block. Horrible, I’m already working on next year’s turbo engine and the temp NA engine isnt done yet. Anyway, this had EXTREME crank play as shown on the chewed up bearing, but was otherwise in good condition and was running when it was pulled. Cost me $600 The catch was I had to pick it up in Norfolk, which is why I had it at the BlownEuroz meet.
Right before I really started working
Base for the wiring harness my father spec’d out and ordered. Should be cranking away at that, goal is to have it done before April 6th.
This is why you only use a tiny bit of permatex in a problem area on the engine. Nearly every mating surface on the head or any coolant passage was permatexed on this engine, and it was clogging the main oil pickup. Uhhg.
Again, making a mess. It’s why we cant have nice things.
Nicely chewed up bearing, I’ll grab a couple better pics tomorrow, camera was dieing as I was running it on AA’s today while the Nikon long life batteries charged.
Man, and you guys make fun of DSMs?!
I thought my projects were involved…
Think it will be running in time for track day? (So you can break it again of course )
haha, Yeah it’ll be running in a couple weeks, the engine pictured is the MPD-08b Turbo engine :lol: The NA one is already in the car and I’m ordering the fuel system this week.
Sick car Mike…
Looking good mike now all you have to do is locate another exhaust cam and clearance your hood for the dual cam drive :tup:
talk to me about that wiring harness you have.
Looking good mike now all you have to do is locate another exhaust cam and clearance your hood for the dual cam drive :tup:
No clearancing required, we’re lowering the engine instead.
talk to me about that wiring harness you have.
Newman, I think it’s from “Kwik harness” (nice spelling eh? maybe they can toss in a Z in there for ya too). I’ll get some more details on it tonight.
Stuff has been crazy lately so not much of an update. The car is almost completely rewired, my dad is just finishing that up for me next week. Engine is together minus starter (need to find it ), crank/cam pulley’s (waiting on them), and Oil Pressure Relief Valve. The OPRV is the wrong type (87+) so I need to find another one due to someone sending me the wrong one (used). Car is headed out to have an 8 point put in (till next winter) in the rear of the car May 1st (tenative). Been working on it in my decreased spare time as of late. Few things on their way though (like a ton of AN fittings).
Actually some of those are already here I just havent taken any photos as of late, promise some more of those soon.
Oh yeah, and I’m getting it running with stock 951 intake and stock cam for a baseline and then changing stuff from there.
:tup: to progress on this. You still planning on eventually switching to ITBs eventually?
Have them sitting next to the car, figured out the TPS only have the throttle cable left to do.
why an 8 point until next winter? what’s going in after that?
Right now we’re doing a main hoop, with the connections to the frame rails in the rear, xbrace, brace at the base of the rails, brace above the shock towers, and two connections down to the center of the car from the main hoop (and harness bar, and diagonal for the main). I think that was 8? Cant recall exactly and I’m to tired to count :lol:
Next year the roof comes out, the halo, door bars, a pillars, crash bar, and strut tower connections go in.
Christmas came early!
New track wheels, you guys like?