96 Integra front driver's side lower mount Bolt

So I am working on replacing my lower front mount and also adding the energy suspension inserts. When I was removing the driver’s side, I got the outside nut off, and the rear bolt came out fine, even though I think it’s a little rounded, but when I went to do the front it came out about 1/4 inch and them wouldn’t budge.

After a couple PB blaster/5 min soak tries, I decided to give it another shot. It made it 1/2 turn, then turned freely. I thought I broke the bolt head off (Which would have been fine as I got a new bolt-out set) but when i looked at it, the head was intact, and it just spun there. It appears that I broke the backing plate loose from inside the frame rail. Not, this sucks royally cause it is boxed in, with no access to the inside, save for a 3/8" hole right near it, and another one a couple inches forward.

Does anyone have any idea on how I can get this bolt out, and how I would go about re-afixing the mount to the frame rail?

Car is up on jackstands in the garage right now and I really need to get it done by sunday.

call bloom, I think they deform to fit.

cut bolt off and weld mount to frame?

called bloom. tossed a couple ideas around. Got a couple other ideas right now.

Here’s a picture. front of the car is to the right. The bolt you see there is about 3/8ths of an inch out, and the nut that was welded on the inside of the frame rail is what broke loose. The frame rail is boxed, with no access to the inside of it that i can tell

And welding would be a last resort. I’d just spend the money on hasport mounts for the rest before welding it.

Been there done that. Torch/cut bolt off. Drilled that larger hole you see in the pic even larger, put a nut through that hole and lined it up by welding a small piece of metal coat hanger to the edge of the nut to hold it place, then welded the nut into place. Works perfect.

i’ve done this too. i cut a small square window into the frame, bent it down, removed the spinning nut/bolt, then welded a new nut to the inside of the frame rail. i then bent the little ‘window’ back closed, welded it up, ground it down, and painted it. works mint to this day.

I have no welder or cutting torch, so that is an issue. I can however bring my car up to rochester if someone could do it cheap enough. still looking around here too.

i was gonna offer to tack weld the nut for you if u cut it open with an angle grinder, but i just saw that you are in binghampton

[quote=“I Have an STD,post:6,topic:39535"”]

i’ve done this too. i cut a small square window into the frame, bent it down, removed the spinning nut/bolt, then welded a new nut to the inside of the frame rail. i then bent the little ‘window’ back closed, welded it up, ground it down, and painted it. works mint to this day.


Your way seems much better than mine…probably a lot less agony on lining everything up.