96 Sentra ATX stuck in first

Not too sure how it happened but my sister called my dad cause the car was messed up. Got it towed home and it seems to be stuck in 1st gear, The shifter is fine so is the lever. Could it possibly just be the fluid?(Not big on atxs and torque convertors so I might be way off)

Fluid level should be the first thing to check. Most cars you usually check the fluid level while the car is running in neutral.

Is it stuck in first all the time? (Ex. No park, neutral, reverse gears)

Or is it stuck in first in the forward gears only?

Park, nuetral and reverse work fine. I’m a bit confused at the fluid level, on the dipstick it has the straight metal part which goes into an S curve and then straight again. On one side it says hot and one says cold but there at the same level on the dipstick…But if the fluid is a possiblility I’ll throw some in…

could be fluid…but that year nissan autos for FWD are garbage…how many miles on the car…

Around 70,000. What are some other possiblilitys if its not the fluid?

there is a solenoid pack/control valve in the trans that like to take a shit…they control shifting…part brand new from nissan is about 120 shipped

Fluid is a great start…might as well change it too…prolly never been done

Ok i’ll try the fluid, my dad spent a shit load on this car from a dealer for no reason and its a POS.

this happened to me on my first 240, check all the fuses, there wont be one for “trans” or anything but make sure they are all good

I was going to say limp mode but that would mean 2nd gear, no first.

If it has a seperate AT comp (which I don’t think it does) let me know. I have an automatic NX2000 that I am going to scrap out in a few days. I should have Nissan specific fuses, relays but no hardware or solenoids. I have the complete shifter too, but doubt that will help.

So your saying the trans problem could be related to a fuse?

it was on my 240, i thought it was a tranny problem because it only had one gear. drove it like that for a while and then one day looked at the fuses for an unrelated reason. popped in a new one for one that was burnt out and it shifted fine