96V6Bird's Spec V Nitrous Build

No motor build yet. When it goes though… lol

I will run ya next summer when i get the s/c on :wink:

You should hit high 13’s to low 14’s on street tires on a 75 shot. It has been done many times before. I never made it to the track with mine but i hung with 13 second cars. All a matter of the driver. :slight_smile:

What looks like threadlocker is paste

Is he spraying the cobalt? Otherwise i strongly feel it would be a waste of nitrous for the spec guy…

Oh yeah. What size shot, not sure yet. But hes got a good amount of parts so far.

doesn’t msd make an ignitioin box with plug ins for window switch, timing control, and others for nitrous?

i don’t know…does it? i only know that i’m using an MSD window switch. i’m still a noob to nitrous.

the only waste of nitrous is a leak :wink: i like running people, win or lose.

quick update before bed, gotta get up early tmrw for some great Black Friday deals :slight_smile:

ok, took apart some of the solenoids and their respective fittings tonight. i want to have everything nice and clean since it’s a used setup, so i undid as much as i could and cleaned out the residual teflon tape. i’ll be re-doing all the fittings with teflon paste. i found a normal level of crap on everything, just took my sister’s toothbrush and starting cleaning…

then i found a horrible surprise in the inlet of one of the solenoids. not fuel, not nitrous, but the one that says “iceman” “pure-flo”. this one:

looks like gummed-up deposits of fuel or something. they were pretty hard, so i assume they had just been sitting there for a long time, clogging shit. as you can see, they were almost completely blocking the little screen/filter…thank god for that thing.

yes, this was hidden under all that shit.

besides that, i labeled/archived everything that i took apart in an excel file so that when i teflon paste everything, it can go together with ease.

common problem, good catch, from dirty nos fill bottle’s, ck this periodically.

Only use paste on pipe fitting’s, NONE on AN fitting’s

thanks dude, does teflon tape go on the AN fittings? i have tons laying around my room.

Sprayin cavaliers is so 5 yrs ago… :rofl:

300shot or nothing!!!

haha. No one is as baller as you.

did a bit more tonight, as i got a great deal on a SAFC-2…so i can has tuning.

bad experiences with stereo installs have taught me that loose wires in the dash (or anywhere, for that matter) are retarded, so i tidied it all up. did this more out of boredom than anything else. would have finished, too, but i ran out of fucking electrical tape…

putting in the AEM UEGO tonight, gonna wedge the wideband gauge somewhere clever as well because my gauge pod hasn’t come yet (no, not an A-pillar pod). planning on installing the SAFC2 as well.

oh, and ordered these:


whoo hoo!

:wave: Still stock over here! Will be up for a springtime run

steve when you gonna throw a cam and headers on the LS1? you know you can do better than 13.8 :slight_smile:

Headers/Exhaust soon, cam never. I figured out why I could only run 13.8, TRACTION CONTROL!

Figured out how to race my car, then I ran 8.8 at Lancaster late in the season, which is .25 better than my previous best 1/8th time…

yeah, i figured your car was quicker than that, weak clutch or not.

i expect low 14s on nitrous in the quarter, maybe some 13s if i learn how to launch it. might grab some slicks/drag radials depending on how much money i have laying around in 6 months…

who knows how i’ll do at lancaster! traction limited…

put in the AEM UEGO wideband tonight, but forgot to bring my camera :frowning:

running fairly rich from the factory as i expected: about 11.3-11.6 in open loop (3K-redline). spikes to 10.1 when i lift to shift :slight_smile: plenty of corrections to be made with the SAFC. i’m just gonna watch the gauge for a few days to get used to the operation and notice some trends. also have to get the radio delete panel and drill 3x 2" (52mm) holes for gauges…as it sits, the wideband is sitting in the ghetto delete panel for one of the front vents. not pretty but it’ll do the job. i’ll get some pics either tomorrow or day after.

Yeah man, the clutch still sucks, but at least I learned a thing or two on how to drive the thing. If I could get a slightly better launch I would expect to see 8.6-8.7 and hopefully flat 13 in the quarter, we will find out once the season comes around.