You don’t put anything on AN fittings, they are meant to seal dry. If you put anything on them, like pipe dope or teflon tape, chances are they will not seal.
3k redline? did I miss something?
yes, it’s a slow sentra, don’t you get it?
3K - redline, as in 3K TO redline
thanks! paste on pipe fittings, dry for AN. got it.
when you use paste on the pipe fittings, dont put it right at the end or past the end of the male fitting. put it one thread from the end.
put in the UEGO today, but it’ll be coming out next week for an Innovate wideband so that i can datalog fun to see the pretty numbers though.
mad ghetto
yeah it’s extremely ugly for now, and sucks to have no heat from that vent, but that’ll change soon.
nice work my friend, looks like fun
whaaaAAAAATT happened to this?! lol
…oh norm…
(sorry for old bump)
Haha. Sold to pursue camera endeavors.