99 miles from home...

Thank god for AAA Plus.

did you have stretched tires or something?

225/45/17 RT615s on 17x8 FN01R-Cs. So, no.

I heart AAA gold +RV.

that’s wild.


god hates you.

What is this a jewish holiday :slight_smile:

Called DTD…they’re out of stock. :frowning: However, I can have a local shop look at the tire and call DTD, and if its worn under a certain amount I’ll have the $ refunded to me for it.

So hopefully I can find a shop that has one in stock for me.



The tire tried to kill me.

I won.

Let’s have some matzah.

ouch. this scenario goes through my head every time i drive down to my gf’s house in maryland and back. getting stuck in the middle of pa with all the quakers and amish… gives me the creeps just thinkin about it.

Damn! I didnt think it was THAT bad.

I used all of my tows for 3 straight years and they cancelled my gold service

They told me they are a “not for profit” organization and they would have to limit my tows to 5 miles or less

so yeah

Fuck AAA

I’ve never had an issue. I used mine 3 times/year for 2 years plus 3 unlocks over those 2-years. (Now that I just typed that I feel retarded)

at least you get towed. i have geicos roadside on my insurance and they are worthless. anytime i need them i get the run around and have to wait 4-6 hours or they tell me that they dont have any trucks in the area.

usually someone with AAA comes and bails me out.

I like using AAA when I am at NYIRP :smiley:

This has got me thinking about a TPMS…I know the OEM ones are annoying and a pain, but this aftermarket one seems kind of cool. Fully customizable warnings for tire pressures and temperatures. The temperature part sounds pretty great, especially for track days where you can keep track of overheated tires. Opinions? Jewish Holiday?


ouch wtf happend ?

The tow driver explained to me what happens with blow outs like that, so I’m going with that as the likely story. Something punctured/knicked the sidewall and caused a slow leak. Later, you hit a bump and the air pressure in the tire shoots up and causes the hole to expand violently, ripping it open.