99 miles from home...

I would go with Under inflated tire… over heated side wall causing separation…

But ya that sucks… I got 2 flats in NC on the evo… had to pay threw the noise for 4 new tires… stupid AWD…

The tire had ~36 psi cold before I left, but I was feeling (what I now realize was) a slow leak for a bit before it happened…car was pulling right which turned into a steady slapping noise, and a few minutes later blew.

Thats part of the reason why I’m considering a TPMS…I’d know if I suddenly have a leak.

well kudos but I would expect a letter from them sooner or later, seems as though I was “costing them money”

AAA has saved my ass many times. I’m an idiot and lock my keys in my car ALL THE TIME. Of course it’s when i’m as far away from my spare set as possible…lol

:tup: AAA

carry a spare?
I swear people are getting more lazy by the minute.

^ +1
reminds me i gotta throw my spare in the trunk

Some of us can’t afford a 5th wheel/tire for spare, and our diffs don’t take kindly to mismatched tire sizes…


If I had brought a spare and used it, I more than likely would have done more damage to my differentials than a tow would have cost.

I am going to look for some beat-but-straight 17 to put a stock STi tire on to use as a spare, though. Scared me straight I guess.

just buy a vw and stretch your tires phil. geeze.