99FRC v. C6

I just got in from a race with my buddy. He has an LS2 C6, 1 3/4 LT’s, catless xpipe, exhaust, tuned. He stopped by my shop and he argued that he would smoke my C5 from a dig or a roll. So I took his car for a drive and it did NOT feel faster than my car.

So we took a little drive :wink:

We did 2 dig runs and 2 20 rolls. I beat him all 4 times. The dig runs were won by about 2 cars due to his shitty traction/driving/etc. The roll runs were won by about a car and a half.

Afterwards I did a nice smokey burnout and put it on the video haha.

When we got done, he argued that I had more done to my car than I told him. I let him look under the hood, everything. He still didn’t believe my car was faster with basically the same mods.

I am uploading the video now and will put it up in a bit.

20 Roll:

Quick Burnout:

good work man!!!

Nice, sounds like you have a bit of a factory freak. That C6 SHOULD have mopped you up. Regardless, nice driving…

waiting for the video

I have heard that from almost everyone that I have raced.

I seem to do VERY well against cars in the 400WHP range, which this C6 dyno’d around.

Smokkins SS off the bottle race is so close we are basically even for most of it and he dyno’d right around 400 off bottle.

Either my car is a freak or I just know how to drive the piss out of it.

completely off topic but I just lol’d at your sig

nice kill :thumbup

I don’t understand how he lost, he should have wiped you.

Could his car have issues?

Don’t you have like an exhaust?

I have an intake, 1 3/4 LTs, catless xpipe, BB Bullets.

His car has basically the same mods. His car had no issues at all.





Nice kill. :wink:

Im guessing the guy in the c6 just cant drive to save his life then.


Should have switched drivers and done the same runs over again. Then you’ll know for sure.

He drove a completely stock C5 coupe 12.8 @ 110. He can drive lol

nice work, but i would have to say you out drove him, i have done the same thing many times in my c5 and c6’s. My under powered cars have always walked away from higher hp cars just b/c of the fact that i dont mind actually “driving” the car… Idk if your interested but if you want you should run my brothers c6, its an 08 w/ full exhaust and vararam, no tune yet…

What else does he have done to it??? sounded pretty crazy for just the mods you listed…

That is prob the case then. I just dont know how you can mess up driving when it comes to roll racing. You press the gas pedal and shift before rev limit. Not hard lol. I got my distance in this race in the first two gears. Third I didnt gain, but either did he.

Your brother has an LS3 though, correct? Big difference haha. For shits and giggles I would race him. I expect to lose though.

where’s the vid???

My buddy took the vid so im waiting for him to send it

ohhh alright

Video as promised. This is the 20 roll.

And here is a quick burnout : )

you need to know where your power peaks and falls off. a stock cam car isnt going to make power all the way to the engines rev limit in most cases.

Videos uploaded and links are in the first post as well.