I have been trying to get one of these damn things to race me for a while now…
I was on my way home from work and caught a light with 2 older guys driving a vert 6spd C6…they were looking over at my car…and the light turned green…they rolled into the throttle and went WOT around 20ish…I did the same…we stay even for a sec and I start pulling…pulled a couple cars by 80 and let off…
Caught up with them at the next light and they were like “WTF is in that” I quickly told them and they gave me a and said “damn that thing moves”
Hardtop C6s only run high 12s…I was running mid 12s with the car running half ass and a terrible launch…and since then its been semi tuned and lost more weight.
So who knows…
Not my fault my car is a factory freak…odd that I was pulling Way2slow in 3rd gear and he dynos 36X and 380tq :lol: and probbley weighs less…but im sure he wasnt racing either :lol: :lol: :lol: