A bit of insight on Autox car setup...

Some interesting stuff here. outlines the basic rules of thumb but leaves it up to you to follow up on the textbooks and calculations.

good reading material when im bored at work… tup

More people need to read and understand the “driver effectiveness” page. Too many people spend way too much time worrying about car setup and mods when more seat time would gain them the consistency they lack.

agreed. Actually. I believe the more you mod, the harder it is to be consistent.

you are absolutly right. look at the “corolla of doom” and the girl that drives the blue VW bug (sorry i don’t rember their names) they are both excelent drivers and all they have done (that i know of) is buy better tires and that was after a couple of years of driving. where as me for example I was running mid 55’s (i think it was 55’s it mght have been 57 or 58 but it doesn’t matter for my story.) on the last course of the season at ECCN and i let the “corolla of doom” driver take my turbo SHO for a spin. guess what he pulled. a high 55 second pull. about half a second slower than my best time of the day. and he said he had never driven a car that big or heavy before… or with the power to spin the tires leaving every single corner (he was playing for sure lol).

I wish i had a stock SHO to go pound on at the track because things happen so fast in the turbo SHO i don’t even have time to think, and with my lack of exp that is exactly what i needed. last time I ran autoX i over inflated all of my tires so I would have less grip so I had a bit more thinking time durring the course. it did seem to help my time by going slower.

Dennis Grant knows his shit. Tevenor knows more :stuck_out_tongue:

He probably could go into cornering stiffnes and slip angles more with tire pressure, but I am a “rule of thumb guy” myself.

His reading list makes up for it.