A dog, a dawg

I’m looking for a dog.
I’ve got a crate, I’ve got a schedule that would give the dog a lot of my time (plan to bring it to work with me). I’m well through a book on positive/reward based/non violent training methods.
Also looking for recommendations on training classes.
Prefer a male I guess, looking for a homie

I’ve submitted an application with the City of Buffalo animal shelter
Submitted an app with Educate a Bull, awaiting a home inspection.

Looking for something that will be 40-50 lbs when full grown. Big enough to be active but small enough to hop in the car with me to work every day. Landlord necessitated nothing bigger than 40-50 lbs.

With that in mind I figure I should find something around 6-8 months old. I could go younger if I knew the parents size.

Puppies will all be rambunctious. With that in mind, I’m looking for something more docile on that scale. I’m a pretty chill dude I’m hoping to find a dog that’s not on the extreme end of being wound up 24/7. Also not looking for breeds prone to barking like f’ing crazy ha.

You can text or call me at 725 5366 or reply here.


Educate-a-bull is good people!

I have puppy sat a bunch for this dog in my rescue (pitty love) and think he would be a good fit for what you are asking:


Isn’t your work public facing, selling cars and dealing with walk ins? Will the dog be kept somewhere away from the public or a shop dog that anyone walking in may find wandering around?

What I’m getting at is I’ve been to lots of small businesses where a company dog was just walking around but they have always been small breeds that the general public aren’t intimidated by. Before Max my 90lb german shepherd passed away I’d take him lots of places but always had to be wary of how people react even though he was 100% friendly. Some people would see a big shepherd and immediately fear him. I’d imagine this would be even worse with a pit bread.

Get in good with educatabull. talk to them on facebook, they respond much faster than their website.

Theo is an amazing dog, he’s very good with other dogs, didn’t care about our cat, and is great with kids and adults. I’ve watched him blossom from a puppy pretty much left for dead, into a sweet, cuddly, appropriate dog. He’s smart too! He picks right up on learning new things, I took him to a few training classes when his foster couldn’t. He also doesn’t seem destructive and is just happy being with his person. His looks suggest he is lab/shepherd.

Understandable concern. At my current location we don’t get a lot of people, almost no walk ins. We carry 4-5 cars at a time, most people who come in end up purchasing one. I plan to keep the dog in the office, with a leash for when parts suppliers and customers come in. I also like the method of training a dog to sit when a new person enters the room to avoid the dog jumping on them.

I’m not limited to pit mixes, open to other breeds as well

      • Updated - - -

I’ve been texting with one of their volunteers, Nicole, about the home inspection and dogs interested. She’s been very communicative, I was going to call the group’s number with my inquiry but I’ll try a facebook message thanks.

Do you know how much he weighs?

I found this guy at a shelter and hung out with him a bit yesterday. His size is perfect, he was very good around me. I’m just worried about his energy, he was just wound up the entire time, the volunteer commented that he was a very high energy dog. A friend of mine has been training to volunteer there and had experience with the dog, made the same observation. He’s so damn cute though


i have a male golden retriever that comes to work with me everyday. he’s 3 now and very calm with customers and people in and out of the office all day, he even hangs out in the shop and knows not to leave the blacktop of the parking lot unless someone is outside with him. very well behaved and easily trainable. i recommend getting a remote control shock collar (when old enough) it helps alot with basic training skills and hes my hunting dog so i used that to teach him the commands as well

When Theo finishes growing he’ll probably be 50ish lbs. Tough to tell because he’s kinda lanky right now, but his torso isn’t stocky. He’s about the size of my pit/hound mix and she’s 40ish lbs.

Either way, you can’t go wrong with adopting, thank you for considering a rescued dog! And stick with the type of training you mentioned, it’s all we use with all the dogs that come into the rescue. Educate-A-Bull can definitely recommend a good local trainer. I can only recommend the ones here in Rochester and don’t know any of the Buffalo ones well enough.