A$$ drivers in Hamburg

Well this is a little story/rant of when I was driving back from my girl’s house in Eden, to get back to my humble abode in Blasdell. It starts off like any other drive home, remote start my 4.0L and let that kitten warm up.

So I get into my Jeep and pull out of her driveway. Being that it is about ~10pm its pretty dark out. I have a set of fog lights I generally put on along with my high beams, as the roads out in Eden don’t have street lights, and the deer are plentiful. I generally shoot up Sission Highway (75) to South Park (62) then to Camp (5) then take Southwestern (20) back to South Park (62) to my house.

Once I get onto 62 from 75 and start going into hamburg I generally turn off my fog lights, this is for two reasons. One being there is usually ample light to see, and 2 being so I don’t blind other drivers. So I swing a left onto Camp in the Village with nothing interesting happening. Life is good.

As I’m driving down Camp some asshat in an older Intergra pulls out right in front of me. Ok no big deal, maybe he didn’t see me. It was from a side street, he made a right onto camp right in front of me. Note: He didn’t stop at the stop sign.

No biggie shit happens. I keep driving and he goes into the passing lane when it turns into two lanes. I’m doing about 45 and actually start to pass him a little. I notice that the car is full of 3 to 4 teens. Ok what ever, no beef. As we keep driving there is a slower moving car in the passing lane. As we continue to drive he speeds up just slightly and cuts me off super hard. Now this pisses me off a little more.

So in order for me to teach him a lesson what shall I do? Oh I know, I will blind his ass. So I throw on my highs and all my lights. His car is lit up like a beacon. Success, Right?

Well I guess in his infinite wisdom he decides to brake check me. I don’t know if he noticed or not but I was a good ~5 cars behind him. I wasn’t tailing him at all. He locked up all 4 tires and I braked maybe slightly faster then usual to stop. He then floors it, but I floor it into the next lane and pass him. Its funny that my lifted Jeep out ran his siqqq jdm race car.

This is what really pisses me off.

What if I was tailing him and he brake checked me so. It would be his ~2500lb car full of his friends getting hit by my ~5000lb Jeep at maybe 45-50 mph. I guess it would have been worth killing his friends to show me that he meant business.

Oh well. I remember when I was young and dumb, so initially this is why I wasn’t mad. He had to continue to be a jerk off though.

If I had on my 1/4 off road bumper which I plan on getting and did hit him, it would have been all over.

I was temped to follow him to get his plate and stop to tell his mommy and daddy on him.

O well. I hope all the youth of today aren’t like him.

I guess I shouldn’t have thrown on my lights to piss him off more, but how much shit do you have to take? I kind of wish I hit him, drove away and got off free, just to ruin his piece of shit car.

Oh on a second thought, it seems almost every time I drive through the village something stupid such as this or an old person driving 5mph run into me. I have even had old people rear end me at red lights doing <5mph and their reason was they didn’t seem me. A lifted huge ass Jeep stopped at a signal. God I hate Hamburg. I’m moving to the sticks.

Cliffs: Car pulled out in front of me, cut me off, I blind him, he brake checks me, I fear me driving right over his car killing all inside…/end rant.

we were trying to get you to pull over w/ the brake check. rest would be history

lol jk i drive a suburban. sold my integra yearss ago. wouldnt that be some shit tho

hahaha, I hate that shit. People do that ALL the fucking time to me (pull out forcing you to slam on your brakes).

a few weeks ago when we had that pretty good snow fall, I was diving down rt.5 past docks and some retard decides to pull out in, literally 20 ft., in front of me. The road was pretty snow covered and I jammed on my brakes, sending me into a 360* spin out… luckily I managed to correct it, but I’ll be damned… what the hell are people thinking sometimes? I’m just glad I don’t have a pistol permit.

The worst is when some tool decides to take the passing lane, when it’s obvious your chugging along over the speed limit (nobody behind you). Why can’t you wait the 5 seconds until I pass?

Then they look at you like you have a 3rd eye when your forced to pass them on the right, cutting them off.

That shit pisses me off too, but I’m learning to take a deep breath and remind myself how childish “road rage” behavior really is. It’s straight up “no budging” second grade emotions. People turn into children when they drive.

Granted, it’s not that simple because truth-be-told they’re risking your safety and well being by driving like asshats and in a certain respect should be shot for that.

It’s not worth it. Just get home safe. Let them learn their lesson with a tree, not your truck.

Lately (maybe within the last 1.5 years maybe) I have been really trying to not let stuff like this get me all riled up. When I was young (and more dumb) I would have totally flipped ape shit and followed the bastards. As of now I’m really trying to let most shit slide, but the more it happens the harder it becomes for me to let it go.

Question: Are more people intentionally driving like jerk offs or is this the new average way to drive? Do people no even notice that they drive so badly?

Is ignorance bliss?

yes…d-bags will always be d-bags.

theres this bitch at my work that damn near causes a huge pile up at least once a week. almost clipped me at least 5 times since Jan…so the other day when it was real icy out, she damn near took out 5 cars at once.

so i pull up in the parking lot of work, go to her car, call her a stupid cunt who drives like shit and if she ever tries that shit again im taking her out on purpose…needles to say i havent seen her on my route to work lately.

Sounds like a normal day on the roads in WNY to me. :gotme:

X… :lol:

You people gotta be more chill when driving. :pimp:

hahaha yah chill man:burnin:

Atleast you didn’t hit him, would’ve been considered your fault. Wouldv’e been nice to get in front drive real slow and do the same to him.

I worked in Blasdell for almost a year on 3rd shift and had to drive RT62 everyday from North Collins

Man oh man people are fucking assholes

I have more than few stories but nothing that wont incriminate me

moral of the story? its the fucktard that was cruising in the passing lane that caused that whole situation. not to let off the asshat in the teg, but its the people that dont understand the concept of a passing lane that makes driving on WNY roads so dangerous.

you should have never braked in the first place. all problems solved.


when I lived in Eden (the brick house on the corner of Hardt and 75, you must drive by it a million times) with my parents these 2 idiots who lived across the street were racing down 75 into a turn in oncoming traffic and one of them went off the road because a car was coming, hit a tree and was almost killed. we also had at least one accident a year from people driving to fast on hardt rd and crashing into our pond.

most people in WNY drive like complete idiots and the only thing we can do about it is put really big front bumpers on our vehicles and crash into them every chance we get

You are the adult. Maybe you should not have intensified the situation by throwing your high beams on. I agree the kid was dumb for the brake shit You have to learn to brush things off and not try to instigate road rage.


next time just call the cops. Give them the plate and say he’s driving erratically. they get enough calls over a time about some d-bag you can bet your ass he’ll get hassled.

the old school house?
I always heard that place was haunted some shit about the underground rail road

I definately can relate to this story, but I have chilled quite a lot too nowadays. Most I do now is give some asshat the finger and smile at them. Usually, this pisses them off enough to just see how much I appreciate their skills.