A few speed questions.


seriously though… I get pulled over ALOT… I also dont get tickets ALOT of the time when i get pulled over. I truly dont understand how you get screwed all the time… I’m thinking the problem may lie within the man behind the machine. Slow it down.

And as for you thinking people saying you should run, well you’ve been on the bike for 1 day, you’ve been off street bikes for the entire winter. If you would have run, I would have said. “You’re retarded.”

With all the new riders this season on SS bikes, its going to be…

A. a bad season as far as accidents/casualties go
B. a bad season in the eyes of the police from everybody running/going fast/wrecking
C. everybody hating motorcycles because people are wreckless.

I’m not innocent, I do my fair share of stupid things, but thus far, knock on wood, my luck and abilities have kept me in the good graces of the law, and whoever is keeping me alive.

Be smart, be safe… the season is still early… get to a track, run a trackday, learn more in a day than most learn in a season… and get some REAL experience. (of all people, the guy who “races” sleds should be all over this)