a fore-warning: bust in north carolina

Damn Leins lol :bloated:

LMAO,I bet the mustang had ford racing valve covers :rofl:

I bought my car with a lein on it, but before I could register it I had to have the lein transfered to my name.

how about this:

If the forfeiture is found to be justified, the title of the vehicle is transferred to the government. If there’s a lien on the vehicle, the lienholder can make a claim for the vehicle. In most cases, the vehicle is sold by the government through public auction.

i dont think the government cares if babnks get pissed off, because the bank can still go after the owner (or former owner) for any monies owed. just because the car was confiscated doesnt mean the owner doesnt have to finish paying it off. it just means the bank no longer has property to repo if need be

fron the ask-a-cop forum, both these answers are from verified Law Enforcement Officers, will have more quotes as they get posted

Cars with loans can absolutely be confiscated, and the registered owner is still liable for any and all payments. If they decide to not pay it, then it will be sent to collections.

Leases may be a different story, but if you’re modifiing a leased car, you’ll have a fun time when the lease is up, and the car is modified, or when the lease company tries to repo the car, and its modified.

State laws vary and it would be best to contact a civil attorney in your area for the most accurate information.

I believe that the typical way it goes is this - If the property is confiscated due to a violation of criminal law, the person in the contract will be held responsible for the market value of the the lost property. I don’t think the courts or the police or prosecutors care who is the ‘legal owner’ of a particualr piece of property when the crime is commited - they seize the property and then the rest becomes a civil matter between the ‘owner’ (in this case the lease company) and the ‘user’ or leasee.

I don’t believe that, I know lots of people who mod their leased cars. Cops don’t know anything about the rules on a lease. Although I do believe him on the rest of what he said.

the lease comment came from a combination of

a) the first officers response, which directly mentioned leases
B) my original post, which had the opening line:

theres a discussion on my local car forum about confiscation of property that has active leins, in this case, the discussion is based on the recent mass-confiscation that recently happened in NC due to suspected street racing

so obvioulsy they know that the discussion here involves modded cars

but now to specificly address his “when the lease is up” comment … i dont beleive he is that far off base with it, as long as its a general statement about ALL kinds of cars.

if you lease a focus, and drop in a built short block with a monster turbo, thats onbiously a “niche market” type car, which would be quite hard for the lease company to sell, considering the # of people that would be in the market for that specific car

but on the other hand, if you leased a supercharged saleen, and droppin in a built shortblock and an upgraded supercharger, that would be much easier for a lease company to sell due

but now if you do these mods and the lease company has to REPO the vehical, your fucked, because the lease company will take your ass to court and claim “reduced value” and say “we are going to have to sell the car at below wholesale prices because its modified”

same with if its confiscated, and the lease company gets the option to take possession of it, say its a $30k car, 25k left to pay off, car is worth 25k (in stock form) when its repoed, and theres 10k in mods

the lease company will take advantage of the fact that its modified and when they wind up taking you to court, they will probably try to tell the judge it was only worth 15-20k when they got it back, because you modified this this and this and its gonna cost $xxx to return itto stock. especialy if the car doesnt have all its smog equipment in place anymore

that story read like a 5 year old’s guide to street racing. :lol:

one mopre for ya guys

Federally, we can confiscate property with liens, but there is an innocent lienholder exception, the operative word here being “innocent”.

For example, if we seize a car with a lien, we have two options:

  1. We can sell it at auction, pay off the lienholder, and then forfeit the rest of the money, or,
    2 We will return it to the lien holder (generally when the owner owes too much on it to make it worth forfeiting) and then they will have to decide whether to turn the car back over to the owner, or foreclose on the loan.

If we do number two, and the lien holder turns the car back over to the owner, and it is seized again, later, for the same offense, then the lien holder is deemed to have knowledge of the activities of the lien holder, and their lien will be denied

Loan companies know this, and generally will foreclose on the loan if a vehicle is used in illegal activity because they know they could lose their collateral if the owner gets caught again.

That general principal, would probably apply, in most jurisdictions (the operative word here being “probably”).

damn that truely does suck but just like someone said “pay to play”. Now none of these kids caught onto this? like im sure undercover cops went there to hang out and get taps on everyone and their cars? You would think that a group like this would sorta be like…a gang or a family and wouldn’t let nosey people into thier “circle” I could only imagin how it would be like per say that your supra or even a skyline got taken away and auctioned off. that would just drive me nuts and i probably would still be in jail for assualt on cop charge and resisting arrest.

i know. i see supras and skylines getting impounded all the time when we’re bombing the touge spots.


haha thats fucked up


Drivers who reached speeds of 165 mph on Interstate 485 were among those targeted by police this weekend in an ongoing crackdown against street racers in Mecklenburg County.

The sting was called “Enjoy the Show” because big crowds gathered to watch the street racers, Greene said. It’s a growing problem, with several Web sites promoting the next race, he added. Spontaneous racing also has become popular, with cars slowing to 35 mph on a highway and then racing to the next exit when someone blows a car horn three times, he said.

ONLY CARS THAT COULD GO 165… hey most of us here are ok, i guess cauz we dont have racing engines…, :2fingers:

i wonder if those slips on the blue eg will go cheep???

a lein on a confisated car would work the same way as a lein on a foreclosed home. Depending on how much the item is auctioned off for, the excess after fee’s and payoff of lein would then be transfered to the lein holder if there is still a defecit to the lein the lein holder would still be held accountable to repay that difference.

That’s so gay that they would auction off their vehicles though.

NYSpeed trip down to NC sounds like a glorious idea, and if that auction is done with when is the next one going to be.



those damn street racers. street racing and what not.

the SCCA would benefit greatly by having a rep. in every DMV to let prospective drivers of the pleasures/fun of TRUE auto embattlement, that is soloII, and it would also keep some racing from taking place on the streets. just my .02

Wow, I feel safer already. A RACING engine. Oh, the humanity! Like the major fucing crime problem down there is street racing? Anyway, IF you are going to street race, it’s stupid to have that many people involved and publically discuss it over AlGores 'net.

:lol: At all the people who still think the LEO can’t confiscate your car if you have a lien on it.