A lil civic on civic violence.... beck = 1 , dweeb = 0

To sum it up.

I get tattoo’ed at Inkman. Well, they have a super hot apprentice (skunkape can vouge). Well this apprentice is my new lady. So I was at Inkman hanging out with her, and one of the artists said “lets go get some food”.

So I am driving with her to Applebee’s on Union, and I’m cruising through the parking lot. Well, I look to my left and I see the ass end of a civic coming at me…fast. And this mother fucker barrels right into the side of me while i was moving, and scrapes all down my driver side. I sat there for a second in disbelief…

I look back… and hes taking off. So I’m like :wtf:.

So I whip around the parking lot, and look for him. He’s no where to be found. So I rip out onto Union, and just on a hunch… take a left.

I’m hitting 16lbs all the way down union, doing about 80 or so…and when I find the guy…hes waiting to take a left onto Walden. He must have been flying as well.

So I get behind him, and there is red paint transfer on his bumper. WTF.

So I get his plate, and I call the cops. I’m following him down Walden, doing about 60 switching in and out of lanes.

Good thing it wasn’t an F-Bod…I don’t think I would have been able to catch up. Or he would have claimed I hit him…

So then we cross over into depew…and of course, I have to get transferred over to their police department. :bloated:

Depew was surprisingly fast, and within a minute or so…had an unmarked and a marked police car waiting in a parking lot off of walden :tup:

We had to then wait for Cheektowaga to get there…which took 15 mins.

One Depew cop was awesome! He was like, “good thing the other guy’s not a street racer, or you wouldn’t have been able to keep up with him” :lol:

And then he said…what does this thing make…170 hp? And I answered with “more than that per liter”… and he totally laughed, and was like…“I’m going to have to ask around etc etc.” Talking to me about Swerve Motorsports, and how nice my car looks…Really, Really, down to earth, chill as fuck cop…IN DEPEW! :tup:

His white shirt boss on the other hand… “where’s your front plate? you know you can get a ticket for that…” “whos the girl in the passenger seat…are you here on your own will???” :fuckoff:

So the cops checked him for drugs or alcohol, and gave him a “unsafe backing” ticket. Because he claimed…“i didn’t know i hit him” :bloated:

This kid was madddd fucking dweeby too. He was on his way to a videogame store, and it was closing…so he had to rush. :rofl:

So we got a police report, and a insurance exchange done…

I am going to call my agent tomorrow, and work things out. But you can bet your ass, I am going to take them for everything they have got. :ohnoes:

p.s. - Baseball24, drove by the scene atleast 2 times. Must have thought the two civics where uh street racin’

Way to keep your cool.

Yeah I said two things to the kid who kit me.

“Want to go through insurance or pay it out of pocket?”


“I hope you get that videogame you were in such a hurry for”


pics of the apprentice?

:tspry: on catching him though…

how bad is your car?

sucks man:tdown: play hockey tonight and feel better

You did get road head by the hot apprentice chick while this was happening right beck

:word: glad you ended up getting him. I would have absolutely lost it if someone tried a hit and run on my car while I was in it.

carbon fiber shell roof? doors? panels? etc etc… bout time… why cant somebody take out my malibu… jeeebus…

glad ur ok, pics of the damage?

I dont have any :frowning:

but you can ask skunk. too bad you won’t take his word with any weight…seein as hes gay.

its just scratches, and scuffs. Not dents, or dings.

But i think im going to be :snky: about this… and get a little more out of it.

>170 x 1.6 = >272 hp?

They didn’t charge the kid with a hit and run?

I’m surprised that the cops didn’t take his plate number and tell you to stop chasing him through traffic since they could just meet him at his house.

yeah, 272…

and no they didn’t. Cause he was a dweeb, who talked like Richard Simmons (im trying to imply something in the most descrete way possibly). And he started crying.

And he claimed he didn’t know he hit me. The cop fucking told him “this isn’t like your videogames son, when you hit cars in real life…there is damage” :biglaugh:

poor kid.
Thought his sick civic could make a run for it GTA style.
He will be talking to his clan tonight about how some kid hit him in a parking lot and then chased him down and had the cops show up to put the blame on him
He was a total ricer asshole too.

what a douche

Haha very subtle.

And he claimed he didn’t know he hit me. The cop fucking told him “this isn’t like your videogames son, when you hit cars in real life…there is damage” :biglaugh:

:rofl: Was he wearing suspenders?

no but he was wearing arizona jeans, and a super retardly sickkkkk flannel button down.

he apologized for “ruining our date”, and i told him its okay we missed dinner…now we are just going to go straight to the sex.

i was just making sure ur okk…

awww thanks Henry.



no prob i thought i get on ur good side … seeing i maybe buyin a import