A little gun history

Meh, go to local college and see if having more guns would be a good thing. I was an RA at Buff State, I would hate to imagine what it would have been like if only 10% of the students who I had to deal with had a gun on campus. I could almost guarantee you would see a lot more dead people.

I have seen plenty of students who I would consider ‘responsible’ but I have also seen said students get drunk off of their asses at parties. Then you include the fact that 95% of students on campus would have a roommate who you can not account for equals bad things.

And those people would NOT be the ones with a CCW :smiley:

So on the application it will ask them if they will drink at college? And who monitors that?

There are too many incentives to do stupid things with a gun on a college campus to warrant allowing them to own one.

You have too much faith in a college students to always do the right thing. My experience says otherwise.

right but it seems you don’t know what irony is

this is not

Not really. I know plenty of people that could pass a thorough background check for criminal, references, etc., but who still get drunk and stupid at college parties. I’m not arguing that it should be an absolute, but that colleges are well within their rights to define themselves as gun free zones. And that there’s no circumstances I can think of to justify allowing on-campus residents to keep a gun on their person or in their dorm.

Adults that are visiting the school? Maybe. Off campus individuals? Maybe.

I’m tempted to get my CCW myself, honestly.

In most places it is a punishable offense to drink or walk into a place where drinks are being served, if you are carrying a weapon.

You have to remember: people may not conceal carry on CAMPUS, but they conceal carry (almost) everywhere else. When you step on campus it is no different than anywhere else…you don’t suddenly get dumber :slight_smile:

You are very right that most college students should not be allowed to get a CCW…and those are the ones that will not apply or will get rejected if they try.

You also have to incorporate the employees, professors and parents that have CCW’s but can’t bring anything onto campus.


Morui: Valid points…but there is almost no difference between that same college student, or even an adult, going out to a bar, and having that same person on a college campus. See what I mean?

I myself don’t have a CCW and probably won’t get one…but I can put myself in the position of someone who DID have a CCW but was on campus (and therefore unarmed), if I was ever to be in a position where I (god forbid) needed my gun for whatever reason…I’d be pissed off, especially if other people got injured/killed and it could have been avoided.

There is a much better argument for allowing staff to have a CCW than a students.

Seriously go to a college dorm and point out who should be allowed to have a gun on them, I doubt you’ll find many.

I have to point out that, with logic similar to McLovin’s, the ones that want the CCW are precisely the ones that shouldn’t have it.

You guys do have good points.

Lemme try to put it another way. If some has been deemed responsible by the state/federal government to carry a concealed weapon in any public area of their state…why is it any different when they step on a college campus?

They don’t get dumber…they don’t lose sense of right and wrong…and they carry it everywhere else regardless.

Again you would have to see what a college dorm is really like and you would know why allowing anyone other than a Cop to have a gun would be a bad idea in a college campus.

College life is very different, people act differently, in most cases they act more like an ass.

There are too many things to go wrong for gun ownership while living on campus to justify the right to own one on campus.

I’m not against CCW in general but I do believe their are exceptions.

I lived in a dorm last year, I remember haha.

We just disagree on how people will act given a dorm/college surrounding…I see where you’re coming from. :smiley: