A lucky DSM owner.... Belts and your DSM.

As some of you may or may not know. I have recently ran into some trouble with all the belts on my car. Upon further inspection yesterday by my dad… he discovered that I basically blew my crank shaft pully…

Basically it seperated, the outer pulley from the inner pulley. Seperated by a thin rubber seal. This caused the pulley to walk back and forth. Eventually causing my belts to randomely pop off.

So the timing belt cover came off, and upon inspection of the balance shaft belt… I discovered that… it was broken. A bullet dodged.

So… In conclusion… if you DSM engine is not colliding into your valves and causing all sorts of chaos… consider yourself lucky… I do.

On a side note… has anyone ever heard of just cutting your balance shaft belt and leaving the shafts in? I wanna do this but have found no info on doing this, only can find info on taking them out completely. Any input would be great. Yes I know the benefits of taking them out… I don’t need that information… thanks :slight_smile:

while your doing all the work u might as well order a balance shaft elimin. kit. u dont need those worthless things.

you can leave the front one in, the rear one that is fed from the oil pump is worthless as well. However if you just cut the belt and do not remove the rear balance shaft that is held by the oil pump you are going to create massive vibration as only one balance shaft will be spinning. If you ahve the time to remove the cover you can remove the shaft in the rear and leave the front one in as it is impossible to remove it with the engine in the car.

I have the stub shaft you need to put in place of the oil pump. I will sell it to you for what i paid for it if you are interested.

Threw a new harmonic balancer ( thanks Hybrid ) and started it up… ran smoother then it has in years. Balance shaft belt removed, and rear balance shaft still in place… even revving to 4000 RPM steady, still no vibrations…

Im going to leave the rear one for now, just going to baby the car until I can afford a new one… Really don’t have the money for an engine rebuild, which is what I would do if Im going through the trouble of BS removal.

Seems as those my DSM days are going to come to a close within the next year or so. I can’t afford the time or money. Hopefully when my parents get a new house I can store it there until I save up enough money to actually do what I want to it. sigh