I have a bunch of items that I need to sell on EBAY, but am no allowed to do it myself. Some of these items will go for a couple thousand dollars so I will obv pay the person I have do this, but I also have to kinda know them because I dont want to get screwed either. Pm me if interested we will work something out. Thanks
Interested, PM me with some details.
edit- 100% positive feedback on my ebay account
Steve. Why cant you sell them ?
its a long story but basically they wanted to charge me for selling something that i didnt sell and i refuse to pay it. i thus cant have an account anymore with them
Ahh Wrd
i could do it as well
pm me sir
i can do it for you steve
and u know me in real life
I can also do it if you need, I have been selling for years and used to have an actual ebay store( where you come in and I sell for you). I know it in and out. Let me know.
pm airhead if he can fit you into his busy schedule. i know he;s done it for people in the past, he has a store
Steve, you horny toad. I’d be interested in doing this!
Same thing happened to me when I had a used laptop “sell” for $10,000…
Took me forever to get that straightened out. Ebay customer service is non-existent.
Why don’t you just open another ebay account and paypal account?
you can only have one paypal account linked to your checking account/cc
Yep, I “sold” something for 900, got scammed, sent him the item, he reversed he paypal charge, and i still had to pay the ebay charge -.-
I’m guessing that’s probably easier said than done. He’d probably have to have a different name for the account as well as a different bank account for the paypal account so it wouldn’t look sketchy.
yea i have no worries though. mods can close this, letitroll is going to do it for me seeing is he’s my lover. if i need anyones help i will pm some of the guys who posted in here. thanks everyone
I have two ebay account with the same info just different email addresses. If he has his bank account tied to his current paypal he can create a new one and just use a credit card if i’m not mistaken. He can send the money from the new account to the old and just close the temp account when he’s done.