A.S.S. Flushes

Ok men. here’s a short story since Im not into bashing to hard but this one might make you open an eye or a brow!

We had BG for a hella long time…Id say nearly ten years…

Once we moved over here and became an “independant” I called my rep Eric, who is awesome by the way, and he said I had to call Tom the BG boss…

So I did and asked what was going on. Well, as an independant they don’t loan the machines to do the flushes like they do for “franchise dealers” So Tom the boss tells me…however he would be willing to take some down machines and put them together so they work and SELL them to me for several hundred bucks each…even nice enough to offer a payment plan…:banghead lol…right…

So i said after all the years our family has done business with yours, you dont’t feel loaning me the scrapped together used machines for free is something you would do? He said nope, we only loan machines to dealers…and you arn’t a dealer anymore… huh i thought…lets see say 8-10 years of sales and products purchases…a desire to continue to sell their stuff, an offer to buy JUNK machines that are currently JUNK but he won’t loan to me…so the [junk] parts machines just continue to sit as junk??? Ok Tom, I said, thats ashame. Hung up the phone and called Wynns…

They said " we’d love for you to carry our products" we looked at your social pages and your website and wow! We also understand you were a dealer and understand how to sell and promote our stuff for your company…and you also have experienced ASE and Master techs on the floor doing the work…

Oh and the machines? BRAND NEW ON LOAN… Application sent yesterday…we be ready soon.

So John, thats my story…interesting huh?