A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

lolz :smiley: Yeah there are some circumstances. They should be sorted by the end of summer. Im trying to decide what to do with the fucking thing. Its not cut yet. Im a little sick of always driving mediocre cars. Im considering just putting it back together and selling it… then buying a something like a 02 3 Series BMW, G35, or Lexus 350. Im always in deep shit with the cops when I have a fast car. It costs so much money in fines and fees. Jail is not fun either. A luxo ride is a lot stealthier then a nasty, bling, mustang that roars down the road sideways every time I drop the hammer. People will say “well then dont do it”… umm that doesnt work for me because Im a freak with little self control.

Im not shitting on everybody, just you. j/k Everything mentioned in this thread is relative and based on opinion. Some people are happy here and thats cool. I dont fault them for that. Stay. We were discussing different reasons why people hate or like it here and I presented mine. Based on what you said and your explanations I dont think you understand many things I mentioned.

As far as my complexity: Spending the first half of my childhood on a small farm, outside a city in Poland being raised by my grandparents. Coming here and meeting my parents for the first time. Living with basically strangers. Spending the second half of my childhood in a 1 bedroom apartment in Queens where a wall split the bedroom in half between me and my sister. Another wall split the kitchen in half and turned part of it into a bedroom for my parents. Bouncing around from school to school. Dealing with some other shit I dont care to mention.

So yeah I dont think you can relate to me or my outlook on simple things that matter .

Anything else?

The funny part is thats how most people in Buffalo think and that is why there is little tolerance and they act the way they do.

That is so true… I really dont hate it here that much… I just cant stand that people here are not open to diffrent things. And I find it sad how fvcking racist and shit people can be in this city…

No, I can’t. I do have a friend that lost her parents when she was 3 months old and bounced around, but she really likes the Buffalo area–warts and all. Although she does complain about VVVVVV situation

HA! I can relate to this, but in my experience people everywhere don’t like people that aren’t like them (certain places more than others, of course). You can’t say, “well, you suck, good bye,” unless you’re unwilling to help the situation. And if you’re unwilling to help the situation, then why complain about it? :slight_smile:

I completely agree with you. People get real upset about this too. I don’t think Violator is trying to really bad mouth anyone. I spend plenty time in Toronto. It’s just different. It seems some people are not accepting of that. Which I feel is a problem with a lot of people who are from here who think their way and their experience is “the” way and don’t wanna accept anything different. The clientele in clubs in Toronto are of a bit more classy nature, and you don’t see too many people acting a fool. Any given time on Chipp you are guaranteed to see some drunk fuck fighting or acting stupid. Everything isn’t the same to everyone. Half of the people who are repping Blo to the fullest extent doesn’t even live within the city limits.

Some people amy like their wings, chill in their Bills or Sabres Jersey and hang out at a local bar. Others may like to hang around the more upscale crowd, and dress upscale, and peruse upscale clubs and bars. So what? People need to quick hating on those who are not dickriding Buffalo.

How would you suggest I help it?


Hey, and I like Toronto for shopping…and sushi. :gotme:

Wow! dude. Im trying to be nice to you here after you keep showing me you dont understand.

First of all I have a LOT of self respect and pride. Now I go out to a club IN BUFFALO with a hot girl/GF and try to relax and mind my own. Dude walks by and grabs her ass. I walk up and he is staring me down. ( he is a good deal bigger then I am so guess what he is thinking) I tell him to turn around and turn around now. He laughs and before he is done I have one hand holding his windpipe while the other is caving his face in. His dirt friends jump in and my jump in and its a full out brawl. I put a fucking hurting on this kid and co at the expense of breaking a thumb in the pileup and a night ruined. Example 1

Me and a buddy are just hanging out by the bar at Coles. Dressed very well and just bullshittin and having a drink. A group of cute girls come in and stand by us. They are just chattin and doing their thing. Some “Buffalos Fines” fucknobs come in. There is almost no room between my buddys back and the girls. On of these fucking tools rolls up and wedges his ignorant ass between my buddy and these chicks and forces himself in between them. I almost fucking lost it. To be THAT fucking ignorant and inconsiderate is beyond me. I wouldnt have pulled something like that even if it was my GF and my buddy was talking to her. My buddy had to make us walk away because I REALLY wanted to explain the meaning or respect to this fucking pile of shit. Example 2.

Me and a friend are chillin a a lounge downtown. Just talking by the bar. We have girls around and are playing around with them every so often. My buddy calls girls pigs in passing conversation. Later some toolbag sitting down behing him says something to him… to the extent of “the girls we are with are not pigs”. My buddy rolls up on me and says to get ready to get down. He explains what happened… I was just like “:What the fuck” “Was anyone TALKING TO that ignorant piece of shit.” Un fucking believable. Guys are probably pissed because their girls were checkin us out. Not my fucking fault. Get some new girls fuckstick. Once again losers have something to prove. I would LOVE to hand out lessons to every one of these people but its not worth the scars and looking bad sometimes. Sometimes it REALLY is worth it.

I can just go on and on and on. These are some of the reasons I am absolutely DISGUSTED with the way people behave here.

Im not a punk. I dont act hard for no reason. I have nothing to prove. I mind my own business and do my own thing. I prefer to be left the fuck alone. I dont start shit. I dont fuck with people. If someone fucks with me then all of the above gets reversed fast and hard.

If you are a man with any kind of dignity or self respect then you would not allow ANYONE to treat you or the person you are with, badly.

That doesn’t make you seem very nice at all :frowning: And I don’t know what there is to understand, but I don’t hang out at clubs neither here nor in Toronto. I hang out at school so that I can play duck duck goose one day. We don’t encounter the same people, I suppose.

I have this theory that alcohol alters the mind, and a problem with this is people misattribute the altered state as being caused by other people–i.e. they become angry at people that make small comments that normally wouldn’t be too bothersome or any other justification for how the alchy makes them feel…so I choose not to be around people that are drinking for this very reason… but that’s not the point of this thread.

I think people may perceive your attitude as arrogant and not confidence, but in Toronto there are just more people that are confident so you feel like you fit in (or they all know where to congregate)hich makes you feel like you can be yourself more. Which makes you happier. That doesn’t mean they’re classier. I think it sometimes makes them a bit less approachable.

I think If you ask anyone that knows me well they will tell you Im one of the nicer people they know

I cant really explain self-respect to you. Its something you just need to find for yourself. Im sure we dont. Its not for everyone and you are probably better off anyway.

Your theory is totally correct. Alcohol makes guys angry if they are miserable. Im not a big drinker and I hate going out to drink for this reason.
When I do go to a lounge or what not its just to have 3 or 4 drinks while chatting., Not to get shitfaced.

You are correct. Im sure I do come off as arrogant to some. People that know me see it in a different way. The major thing is that a confident person can be themselves. They can just relax and dont need to cause trouble or act ignorant. Its a lot easier to have fun when you have little to worry about.

Your reasoning makes sense but they are classier by far. If you had experienced it you would agree. How approachable soneone is really depends on you and not them.

I have enough self respect to not go to clubs. :wiggle:

Actually, I don’t know why you think they’re classier… Good research coming out of Toronto? Pffft. :frowning:

I guess the people that go to clubs have more class than the people that go to clubs here, but not eeeeeeeeeverybody. I really wouldn’t call them the cream of the crop, though. hardly. ack

This post is hilarious.