? about Buffalo neighborhoods and suburbs

wheatfield,north tonawanda area,amherst

Here is a map showing the general good areas of the city.

amherst is good. I have lived in the Eggertsville area all of my 20 years, and its a nice area. once you go West of Baily it starts getting a little sketchy (mores o than it has in years past) but its not bad at all compared to a lot of places. houses are going pretty cheap around here too.


Williamsville FTW



oh… and north buf.

i lived out there for a year… loved it

the west side is good. Tenth and Carolina st ftw.
and youre only minutes from Downtown clubs. :slight_smile:


amherst and wheatfiled are the best IMO

I like right around Parkside Dr. thats a nice area, looks like lots of nice houses. Plus the Zoo is right there and everyone loves the zoo


actually olmsted 64 was just voted as one of the top elementary public education schools

as far as public high schools, city honors was ranked #4 in the nation.

the olmsted system, which includes 64, then 67, then 56, (or city honors for middle school) is a great education system.

yes there are a lot of shitty public schools in buffalo but there are also some great ones.

as far as neighborhoods; there are a TON of neighborhoods in the west side that are excellent. if you stay between main st and richmond (the boundary is actually starting to expand westward the good part is extending past the richmond border) you’re gold.

north buffalo is nice too, a bit more suburban but still close to the city



Sounds like getting into the few good Buffalo schools isn’t as simple as just living there.

Comparing charter schools to magnets is not an apples to apples comparison. Some magnet schools have testing criteria (e.g., 64% of FL Olmsted Schools #64 & #56 are selected into G/T program, 100% of Visual and Performing Arts and 100% of City Honors must test-in) and others have neigborhood requirements (e.g. Science Magnet (65%) and Discovery (50%)). Charter schools are open to all city residents and use a lottery system where demand exceeds openings. Seems comparison to open non-magnets would be more applicable (e.g. Bennet Park Montessori). Source: BPS 2006-2007 Elementary Schools of Choice Application.


I like right around Parkside Dr. thats a nice area, looks like lots of houses. Plus the Zoo is right there and everyone loves the zoo


There are some really nice places over there. Just don’t get TOO close to the zoo. The smell of elephant/bison shit wafting into your kitchen < *.


Here is a map showing the general good areas of the city.


That’s awesome! Thanks.


There are some really nice places over there. Just don’t get TOO close to the zoo. The smell of elephant/bison shit wafting into your kitchen < *.


Ahhhh yeah that probably wouldn’t smell too good in the hot summer heat.

There are some good areas still in the city that some people have pointed out BUT…they won’t be nice forever. At my job (UPS) we pretty much aren’t allowed to leave anything outside (no signature) for fear of it getting stolen at a lot of the areas inside of Buffalo. One thing you haven’t considered is the distance from the thruway. You don’t want to be smack dab in the middle of any city where it takes you 15 minutes just to get to any sort of thruway. IMO, I would look in Amherst (Millersport Hwy area), Tonawanda (Near NFB). Lots of relatively cheap apts/houses, close to the 290, safe area, etc…

I agree with the poster Dozr posted.

estorivito; carolina, like near whitney, i think is on the up. prospect (right near rabin) has incredible architecture, and i think taht area is on the come-up. not there yet, but on the come up

jayS: yes. you have to be smart to go to a good school in buffalo. if your kid is not smart, then private school, or suburban public schools, are a good idea.

as i re-read that i dont mean to be condescending by any means. i’m just saying i went to good public schools my whole life because I was always in the top percentile. had i not gone to city honors, i would have gone to tech (for tech one still has to test, but they are a LOT more lenient). even so, I may have been sent to canisius (my parents paid the deposit for me to go there if i didnt get into honors, even though in retrospect i am very glad i did not go to canisius).

i very closely equate private schools to suburban public schools, in many respects

also, i dont mean to sound dismissive of canisius by any means. but when i was in 8th grade (at 56 mind you, not at honors yet) I shadowed once a freshman and once a sophomore, and both were covering cirriculum I was already familiar with

How big of a place are you looking for. The apartment I just moved out of is a one bedroom in one of the nicest areas of the city. Off-street parking for 1 car and includes gas electric and water for $605/mo

It depends what you are looking for.

Do you want a house? If yes then what do you want to spend.

Getting a new house in the wheatfield developments is really nice, but thats a hike if you have to drive into the city every day. Not too bad compared to other cities, but its a hike.

I have an apt in west seneca. I really like the town, lots of nice homes, proud people, no crime, nothing.

I pay 435 a month for a huge 2br upper with a full basement and attic. Its a good cheap deal for me until I buy a house in another state.

I have a driveway that will hold 10 cars no problem, I can have people over and not worry about them parking in the street.

My buddy on the other hand lives in Allentown on college street. He loves it, he pays a fortune for rent, but its walking distance to the allentown bars, and even chippewa if you like a bit of a walk.

His car was broken into 2 times, and recently a city plow hammered the rear of his car, but he still loves it.

Depends what you want.

Some areas of north buffalo are really nice.

Areas to avoid would be the east side entirely, most areas on the west side, certain areas of cheektowaga, some parts of downtown.

The majority of the Buffalo suberbs are decent. Williamsville is really nice, Amherst is great, Cheektowage is really nice depending on what part, West Seneca is nice…the farther from the city you get the nicer it gets lol. I grew up in the country, so I hate he city, but if I were to move out that way it would most likely be Williamsville area.


It depends what you are looking for.

Do you want a house? If yes then what do you want to spend.

Getting a new house in the wheatfield developments is really nice, but thats a hike if you have to drive into the city every day. Not too bad compared to other cities, but its a hike.

I have an apt in west seneca. I really like the town, lots of nice homes, proud people, no crime, nothing.

I pay 435 a month for a huge 2br upper with a full basement and attic. Its a good cheap deal for me until I buy a house in another state.

I have a driveway that will hold 10 cars no problem, I can have people over and not worry about them parking in the street.

My buddy on the other hand lives in Allentown on college street. He loves it, he pays a fortune for rent, but its walking distance to the allentown bars, and even chippewa if you like a bit of a walk.

His car was broken into 2 times, and recently a city plow hammered the rear of his car, but he still loves it.

Depends what you want.

Some areas of north buffalo are really nice.

Areas to avoid would be the east side entirely, most areas on the west side, certain areas of cheektowaga, some parts of downtown.


People who live in allentown or on the main elmwood strip need not talk about the shit that happens to their cars or their stuff. Allentown is for a specific type of person, as parking is a premium, it is a very tight area and there are a lot of people there. Elmwood is also crazy busy, there are lots of people, and with that comes some of “the element”… everything you have is much more visible as there is not much parking and so on.

I would HIGHLY recommend living in North Buffalo in the hertel area between delaware and parker or in the parkside area closer to parkside.

The elmwood area is also very nice, especially in some of the neighborhoods right around the strip. I love the area around lexington/norwood, or around where I live - Bidwell and Richmond.

I think North Buffalo is your best bet if you want a decent house for around 100k with a garage and a driveway. Most of them are 3/3 doubles, I lived with Poopra in this area for over 2 years and not once did we have an issue.

North and east of the airport is a safe bet. Its icky on the other side of the airport LOL kinda like the other side of the tracks


Aside from artvoice and craigslist, any online places to shop rental properties?


Bee news…

you’ll find Williamsville listings not found anywhere else…



Here is a map showing the general good areas of the city.


I second that map. :tup:

It depends what kind of lifestyle you are after. If you like lots going on, being able to walk places, etc., I’d say city. If you want bigger yards, quiet, etc, I’d go with the suburbs. I live in the city right now and I love it, but others might not.

I grew up in and love Orchard Park, but its pretty far away from things if you like nightlife, restaurants, etc. If I am still in the area when I’m in my later 30’s I would probably move back there.

I found living in Amherst and Tonawanda really annoying, lots of congested suburban sprawl. Lots of mediocre, depressing apartment complexes as well (assuming you are looking to rent).

you thirded it. i already seconded it. s0n


you thirded it. i already seconded it. s0n


bah whatev


People who live in allentown or on the main elmwood strip need not talk about the shit that happens to their cars or their stuff. Allentown is for a specific type of person, as parking is a premium, it is a very tight area and there are a lot of people there. Elmwood is also crazy busy, there are lots of people, and with that comes some of “the element”… everything you have is much more visible as there is not much parking and so on.


I lived right on a busy block of Elmwood for a year, and while it was a lot of fun the parking was a sonofabitch. It was really noisy and while it took adjusting to at first, I really miss it now.

The elmwood area is also very nice, especially in some of the neighborhoods right around the strip. I love the area around lexington/norwood, or around where I live - Bidwell and Richmond.

Bidwell and Richmond are really nice. I live on Norwood now and with a 2 block walk to the main strip and off street parking, my car’s safety is a non-issue, and can still walk to all the restaurants, bars, shops, etc.