About to order a V(alentine) 1

I Love my V1… I’ve only had 2 tickets since I bought it 2 years ago. Both were laser. I wouldn’t go by what radartest says. The site is owned by a former Valentine employee who currently works for escort.

it depends on the cop. I notice that amherst cops usually drive w/ thier radar on, but I havn’t seen a buffalo cop that drove with it on.

Bottom line… you speed, you WILL get caught eventually. The V1 has saved me several times but I don’t depend on it. I always slow down for common speed traps even if the V1 doesn’t go off. Where the V1 has saved me was with cops coming the other way with their radar on. It will even pick up laser if you are close enough to the car in front of you when the cop shoots him.

I’ve owned several radar detectors, they always seem to get the job done but the V1 is by far superior. It detects at least 5 seconds before the others would.

And Mike Valentine used to work for Escort, so what’s your point?

(just felt like being a smart ass, V1s are very good, so is the X50 though, I sometimes wish I had arrow on my X50, but can make do without for the extra $200 I saved)

Got mine a month ago and love it highly recommended

Nothing beats knowing where the signal is coming from.

Once you have arrows you will never go back :tup:

Two big :tup: :tup: to the V1 and its arrows. Glad I made the purchase, already saved me from the Hamburg cops. Picked them up from 2 miles away now instead of the 1 mile previously.

get the hidden display…it’s >*

just dont think your invincable…on the 219 generally cops in the median will use laser… and watch for cops on overpasses shooting down to the thru way