ABS vlsd...

im swapping in my vlsd diff very soon, i just finished rebuilding it, now i came across a slight problem…

i HEARD that the abs vlsd needs a abs drive shaft…

can i just swap my vlsd in with no problems or do i need some other parts for it to just drop right in.

btw i used the searh,couldent find nething

u can swap it in, it just pushes the driveshaft towards the tranny a bit, its better to get an abs driveshaft to prevent tranny seal and driveshaft suspension bearing from wearing too quick, mine is like that, nothing ever happened

fack!..so it should be fine if i just swap it in like that?..how much are we talking here…mm-cm-inches?..how much wear or strain is this gonna put on the tranny.

wut tranny do u have,ka?

i have a kae and stock tranny, its like 1 cm lol, it doesnt matter just put it in, should put almost no wear

it’s like an inch, ABS is shorter


the abs lsd is longer… the drive shaft is also longer… so im assuming its gonna be a tight fir with no play…

:twisted: direct torque to the diff!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like :wink:

thanks alot guys…

ABS driveshaft is an inch shorter isn’t it??


i have an abs driveshaft , but i need a non abs drive shaft, lets make a trade , pm me

i just finished the install a couple hours ago…the non abs drive shaft is to long because,yes the abs vlsd is like an inch longer…

its a tight fit but i want to know everyones input on this…will it be safe like this?

will it do damage,make noises,break the tranny,break the drive shaft??

there are so many possibilitys that i can think of.

neone else installed one like this?

or do u guys just suggest swapping the abs driveshaft in.

I’ll trade you, but shipping will Rape both of us :frowning:


i had a vlsd in mine, and ran a welded diff that use dto be a non abs open diff…

i had no problem stretching the distance, so i wouldnt see why there would be much of a problem going the otehr way.

streching the distance is different cuz ur not putting presure against the tranny, however pushing it till its 100% tight with no shaft play or nething is the scary part.

i got it in with no problems… just a lil tight to go on but it fits almost flawless.

i run my abs diff with non abs shaft works great

ok cool, i just needed sum input from ppl that have installed it.