LSD fitment

300ZX LSD will work but you need to change the end cover and the half-shafts.

A Non ABS LSD will work on a car with ASB or w/o ABS.

Though a ABS diff will only work on a car with ABS.
Unless you get the drive shaft along with the diff as it its shorter than the one without ABS.

I hope this helps.

Ive done some extensive reserch on this so any questions shoot them my way.

The ABS LSD like you said is about 1/2" to and 1" longer because of the sensor and IIRC you do need the shorter shaft to make it work.

There is quite a difference.
The shaft doesnt have that much play.

EDIT - The drive shaft shouldn’t have that much play.

Oh wow thats pushing it.
But i guess if they say it fits it fits and i stand corrected.

Though as Phill mentioned while ur pulling the LSD pull the shaft too and use the proper equiptment on your car.

what about with the SR, the trans is further away from the driveshaft, then would having a abs, LSD make it fit properly?

i didn’t know the sr sat farther forward than the ka, if this is true, how can you use the stock driveshaft with the sr wouldn’t it be to short? Or am i missing somthing here?

Best bet, get somone to measure it for you, then compare the distance to your driveshaft.

the driveshaft end is about 5-7"

going into the SR tranny there is about 1/2" more sticking out the end then the ka

Right the SR tranny is like 1/2" shorter so that could quite possibly give you that play you need to fit an ABS diff in a non ABS car.

Dug this topic up again. I tryed to get an ABS shaft from the yard today, but you can never reach the center bearing. 240’s are always on top of other cars :frowning:

Anyways, should I even attempt putting my VLSD in without the ABS shaft?



The 300zx NA lsd is supposed to fit into to the s13 with some modifitcations . And it has the same gear ratios as the S13 vlsd

The 300zx TT lsd also fits in, but the gear ratio is differetn and would be only useful to people with high horsepower.

The j30 vlsd fits into the s14 with no mod, so it should also fit into the s13 with some modding, but I’m not 100% on this.

I’ve also heard of the Q45 lsd being used in some high horsepower s13’s, but once again I don’t know too much about this.

Or, you could drop 2g’s on a KAAZ lsd :smiley:

Edit: Sorry, didn’t know that this was an old post.

You might want to call around to shops to see if you can find an ABS shaft.

ahhh that doesn’t answer my question :?

ok people, I brought this thread back up because I had a question. This thread is like 4 months old.

I didn’t want to start another thread, so I asked in this old one. Look up 4 post and you will see my question.

Does anyone ever read.

I’ll just start another thread on another website. NOONE READS!!!

Here is my post before it was degraded by yashin and jesse:

Dug this topic up again. I tryed to get an ABS shaft from the yard today, but you can never reach the center bearing. 240’s are always on top of other cars

Anyways, should I even attempt putting my VLSD in without the ABS shaft?



If you can’t answer it, don’t post.