VLSD from Hicas into non hicas

Will it just bolt in? comming from a 92 SE into my 89 h/b.



^^^ what about ABS vs. non-ABS? I’m pretty sure the driveshafts are different lengths.

Correct. The ABS driveshaft would be shorter, ie. longer diff. because of the sensor.

Vice versa for Non-ABS.

Just take the gutts out and put them in your pumpkin, that way there is no worry about different lenghts

I have a NON’ABS Driveshaft for sale if need be. $60…

i dunno why people are freaking out about the driveshaft issue? Im using a vlsd with a non abs driveshaft and its been working fine. The difference in lengths isn’t that big that it won’t work.

thanks guys :slight_smile:

The difference is an inch want are you talking about?

yes it may be an inch but all im saying is you don’t have to swap shafts for it to work.