aclerated college vs 4 year school

Im a current student at Western School of Health and Business. Lately I just have been feeling drained. My school sucks big time. We changed classed every 5 weeks. Is an aclerated school really worth it in the long run? Do you really learn every thing you need to in 5 weeks. Im getting to the core classes now and i feel that 5 weeks is just not enough time to do anything. Am i just being paranoid or is this really how it is. My school is so disorganized too which brings another point. If I would have went to a 4 year school, would that school have more organization? I just dont know what to do anymore. I dont want to give up because im so close to being done… I just dont know what to do.

the reason these schools exist is for people who need the basics in a specified field, that little scrap of paper they give you at the end, is just that, a scrap of paper that says hire me i can learn and i know a little bit about what you you do, all of you other training will be on the job if you went to a 4 year school you would have to take 2 years of math, english, etc and still only have about 2 years in your field of study, dont worry about it…



I used to be an admissions officer at Pitt. Before I can answer you question i need to know what your going to school for. If you are going to WSOHB then its probably something technical that does not require a bachelors degree.

If you dont know what you want to do. Attend CCAC, take some general education courses and see what you like. Take up to 60 credits in CCAC then transfer to a 4 year university. This way you dont waste any money trying to figure out what you want to major in. Its $80 per credit at CCAC vs. $500 per cerdit at Pitt or other major universities.

Good luck

im going to school for veterinary technology.

just find some stray cats and dogs and cut them apart :dunno:

A bachelors degree from a 4 year college is just as much of a waste of paper as a diploma from some school is. It’s all about the interview and knowing the right people. The pieces of paper you get from school are just to get your foot in the door if you don’t know anyone.

If an accelerated program offers what you want, then go for it. You save lots of time and lots of money. Only reason I went four year is because they don’t have chemistry degrees at accelerated schools. I did cram 2 semesters worth of Organic chemistry into 8 weeks one summer though. So I know that accelerated learning can be very difficult. But you are saving a good bit of money. I’ll still be paying off loans for my 4 years 10 years from now.

It is an associates degree program…She left alot out like the fact that she has no real work experience or skills and needs this to at least get her foot in the door. Most of these places are just like junior college,you go there to learn basics. I was going to a school like this until I realized after graduating if I left my job at the mill Id make less money.

THere is no 4 year degree program for vet tech. so you 2 year program is the best option. they will probably also place you in a local vet to do an itnernship which will give you experience in the field and most likely land you a job right after graduation.

However if you do decide to become a veterinarian in the future, non of the credits that you took from WSOHB will transfer. your experience as a VET tech might come handy when it comes to applying to post bac VET schools. It is as hard to become a vet than to be a medical doctor.

SO if you want to become a veterenarian, its a long road but the reward is big. You will need to finish a 4 year bachelors degree in anything plus you need fullfill the pre requisite courses which are the same as regular medical school.

English: 6 semester credits (at least 3 must be in composition).

Physics: 8 semester credits, including 2 laboratories.

Chemistry: 12 semester credits, including laboratory in at least one course; 8 semester credits in general chemistry; and at least 4 semester credits in organic chemistry.

Biology or Zoology: 9 semester credits, (3 courses) at least one course of which must cover the basic principles of genetics.

Social Sciences or Humanities: 6 semester credits.

Calculus: 3 semester credits.

Stats or Biostats: 3 semester credits (effective for Fall 2008/2009 entrance). Biostats only (effective Fall 2010 entrance).

A grade of C (2.0) or better must be earned for these courses.

closest vet school to pittsburgh is in philly

I graduated from pitt with a degree in anthropology and historic preservation then worked for 5 years. Took 2 years of pre med courses after graduation. I’ll be attending medical school this fall.

Good luck!

My wife graduated from the Western School last October. Out of her class, quite a few people got jobs makin’ okay money for being right out of school.

My wife said that there were some problems, mostly self inflicted by the students themselves. People would complain they weren’t learning anything and how they were getting out early all the time. Then they would write letters to the Dean and when the teacher got pissed and would make the students stay the full time. Then these same whiny, POS, suck at life students/people would call and complain that they had to stay too long and the teacher was being too hard.

My wife had no medical background and was able to get all the training she needed to do her job as a Medical Assistant without any problems.

I went to ITT for 2 years and similar things happened there. I know plenty of graduates from ITT that bash the school. The main reason is that they don’t have jobs in the field they went to school for. Since the school did not provide them a job the school sucks and is the worst thing they ever spent money on.

If you want to pursue your education at a “real” school you might have a hard time finding someplace that will take your credits from TWSoH&B.

Good luck to you.

aclerated college vs 4 year school
