
Are accelerated schools better than normal college?
I just started going to Western School of Health and Business at the end of March. We have this system called blocks which every 5 weeks are classes change. Are we really learning anything? I know that during my first 5 weeks I had Biology, Math, and Strategies for Success. Easy Classes. Biology and Math were a review of High School courses. Which I found easy. The Class i am Having trouble with is Hematology and Urinalysis. Im going to school for Vet tech. Once I’m done I am going to get a Job in the field and contine my education. But back to Hematology. The teacher doesnt teach. She never does notes and she constantly reads from the book. Is this a good method of teaching? Do Students really learn? Or would I have been better off going to a University that does things by semesters then a 18 month school? What do you guys think?

Depends on how fast you learn, those schools usualy are pretty good for people that are real fast learners and can pick up things only the fly.

I went to both college and a Tech school(IADT) and it(tech school) was a waste of my time. I graduated and went right to college for my BA. Most courses didn’t go in depth enough for me to really be challenged. College was the opposite for me. I was scared of the general classes bc of how poor I did in english/science class in HS. Saddly i had better grades in those “filler” classes then I did in my core classes.

I went to a tech school and looking back I wish I would’ve gone to a 4 yr college. I got a decent education, but no concentration, just a broad range of subjects that I could decide on which I wanted to pursue for my BA I guess.

alot of people I know that went to a tech school had wished they just went to college. My wife however still thinks that she might not have been ready for a four year school right out of high school. This may have been the case, but now we have another 18k in loans on top of her 2.5 years at point park to finish her BA.

For as much as I paid to goto tech school (PTI), I could’ve knocked out at least 2 years at a decent college. Should’ve done better in HS and taken SATs to get the better chance. Oh well, never too late to go back.

degrees are beat! lol…

I am a few classes out on my 7 year degree… i went full time but learned nothing practical about my job while at school… granted, i like college and learning so it was a great move, but nothing was preparation for the real world like experience…

with that said, a tech school might be more focused on more specific things rather than generally opening you up to new types of schooling… college teaches a lot about the fundamentals of learning, more so than specific functions of work… generally.

I am in an accelerated learning program on weekends so that i can continue school full time as well as work full time… it’s great because it cuts down on class time and all the BS involved… what sucks is the large amount of work that needs completed as well as higher expectations… I would also say that i have gained NOTHING but debt (and soon, a degree) from taking an accelerated class structure… then again, sometimes i attribute that to the fact that i already know everything… (kidding) :wink:

I have a buddy that went to the Bradford school of business. His associates degree was in some sort of computer field. Right out of the school, He was offered a job at PNC. He works in the tape back up departments making about 10 bucks an hour with full benefits. He has worked there for about 3 years now with no raise. Their have been several job openings in other departments that he has applied and interviewed for but he has been passed over. They always say he is not qualified for the position which means he needs more education.

So, He might have started off ahead of 4 year college students like myself but in the long run I feel that I will have more opportunity when I finally graduate with my BSBA in Finance. I’m very happy that I didn’t attend PTI right out of high school like I intended, no offense to anyone that goes/went there :slight_smile:

I think a 4 year college will give you better all around education. Even though taking classes like psychology and humanities are usually queer at the time they help round out your education.

what is your class schedule like? 3 hours of a specific class one time a week?

3.5 hours classes twice on saturdays… for 8 weeks… so in 16 weeks you get in 4 full classes a lot of wasted weekend… i’ve cut back to one class a 1/2 semester because i’m in no rush (and have 3 more to go)…

Tech schools are just degree mills in my opinion. I’m a grad of ITT, it just another piece of paper…

great, so you all pretty much feel tech schools are a waste? just when i thought i had something figured out. anyone have any stories about triangle tech? HVAC area?

That’s not a good method of teaching. It’s a lazy method. You already have access to what’s in the book. But, at least you don’t have to spend your own time reading by yourself. I’m guessing test review day is gonna be “OK, here’s what’s going to be on the test, question by question.”

Some people can learn just by reading. Some learn more from lecture.

Whether you’d be better off at a different school depends on a few things…Is your school accredited? I ask because if it’s not, and you do decide to change careers, the classes you took there are not going to transfer to a college/university.

Just some things to think about.

ya her test are all fill in the blank and it sucks she does throw like true and false in and mulipule choice but mostly its fill in the blank. Also I do get my Associates Degree but after this I have to go to another college and get my BA then go to Vet school

It’s funny, I dunno, I went to college for a couple of years and it didn’t work out for me, ended up going to ITT and about 6 months before I graduated I got an internship which turned into a full time job shortly there after. I’m doing well enough. It seems you get out what you put in. I’ve had this job approaching 4 years now, and it’s paid for my schooling, well, more then 4 times over.

Oh, I put in, money and plenty of effort. I ended up graduating with a 3.95 GPA over the two years.

As for triangle tech, i have never attended, but was offered a job teaching at the one above AGH, turned it down when they told I had to teach “their way”.