Address Change Question/Rant

My license, registration, and insurance are all under my dad’s address. Yet, I don’t live with my dad. Is there any way I could get in trouble for this?

The reason I ask is because I got pulled over today, and the officer who pulled me over is my across-the-street neighbor. Which means he sees me, and my car every single day. He asked me where I lived, and I told him my dad’s address. He then came back with a ticket and asked me if I knew where the town hall was. I’m pretty sure he was being sarcastic. He couldn’t get me in trouble, could he??

And to rant! He gave me a tint ticket. UGH. His son has the most riced out Focus with the worst sounding exhaust and a stupid fart can. I’m trying to lurk out the window and see if he has tint, but it’s raining and I can’t see! Hahah. Grrrr.

Yes, you can get in trouble for it. I’ve never actually heard of someone getting a ticket but it is the law: your home address needs to match your license address.

I got a ticket years ago for not updating my address, but it was more the officer doing me a favor by not giving a speeding ticket.

You’re supposed to change your address in 10 business days or some bullshit…I know a few people who got tickets for it.

i got a ticket last year for it…lol… stupid troopers…

Yeah i heard that too, you have to update your address. I’d say at least if you still got mail going there what’s the problem and your dad still lives there.

But what a douche for even giving you a ticket, he should recognize that you are his neighbor. Unless his captain was watching him??

He had some other officer in his car with him and had me pulled over for about 20 minutes. It was unusually long. I watched them just sit there and talk to eachother while I was waiting.

ya i still havent updated my address i moved back in feb and am to lazy to go to the dmv.