Legal Advice Needed !

So last Thursday I was pulled over by a sheriff who seemed to be in a particularly foul mood. It was around 830 at night. He approached my car and demanded my license reg and insurance. Did not tell me why I was stopped and went back to his car with my information. He comes back a half hour later and tell me his printer is broken but he has issued tickets they will show up in the mail. He tells me to drive safe and returns to his car. I was never told the reson I was stopped or what tickets were issued. Tuesday the tickets showed up in the mail. A outdated inspection front license plate exhaust and tint ticket. What do I do from here. I took the tints off the front windows. Am getting it inspected. But can I fight this so I don’t pay the state $500+ ?

bring the proof to court(new inspection, receipt for tint removal, etc…)

there is no magic answer here

Then contact a lawyer.

those are usually fix it tickets, as was said you can get them dropped by bringing it to the police station with everything in compliance and get someone to sign off.

I was not given an fix it slips thou because of the tickets being mailed to me

usually you need to take care of them within certain time frames, but seeing as it was mailed to your house i wounder how long you have to show that you fixed the issue

i would fight them all, did he even give you a reason for being pulled over?

Sounds like tint, license plate, exhaust and inspection. 4 pretty good/obvious reasons right there.

All you homos drive around with all this shit illegal on your car and then instead of manning up and taking responsibility you try and find ways to “fight” it. Pay to play.

PS - My front windows are tinted LOL.

maybe ny laws are different, but in pa they are all secondary offenses and are not cause to pull someone over (tint, exhaust) and we dont have the front license plate in pa

U have 24 hours to get to the police station to show them you removed all of the illegal shit. Not sure how it is if they mailed it to you. Might wanna go to the station and ask his supervisor. Cops are required tio check their equipment before duty so you might end up getting off them.

In Amherst fix it tickets must go back to the APD for inspection/signoff. Specifically:

Equipment Violation - the court will consider dismissal of tickets written for New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law sections 375, 376, or 381 if proof is presented to the court that the defect was corrected prior to 1/2 hour after sunset on the first full business day after issuance of the ticket.

I had an unsafe tire ticket tossed that way (got pulled over for something much worse, cop gave me the tire ticket). Slapped a set of snows I had at the house on the next day, drove over the the APD headquarters, cop came out and verified the tires were good and signed off. Walked the 100 feet over to the court clerk and submitted the sign off with the sheet and never heard about it again.

Don’t get all excited thinking you’re going to get this dismissed simply because his printer wasn’t working. They’ll probably cut you some slack on the 24 hours but if you don’t fix it and just try to fight based on the printer defense the tickets will most likely still hold up in court.

cop was to lazy to hand write it i see, i would figure they would have the paper tickets for this exact reason.

Alpha earl I was not told why was pulled over to answer your question. Any one of the reasons I listed were it. And beck I have been paying to play. For the past 2 years but all these tickets at once is killing me

Also my first name is spelled wrong on the ticket. Can that do anything for me