adelphia cost question

how much is the rental for a dvr box…?

does the dvr box replace the existing scientific atlantic cable box?

if you work there… what is YOUR rate for the box?

just wondering…

if anybody has a link to the BASE rates for each adelphia service that would be wonderful

like $7. not very sure but i think i pay under 10 for rental of the box and a modem (this is without cable/internet charges)



They changed the pricing structure it’s now $8.70 per month for a DVR box.

that include the dvr service?

I believe the prices quoted are correct for the DVR box… I just got the price update sheet the other day…

I believe the DVR service is another $5/mo, but I’m not 100% on that.

Oh, nad for those who say it isn’t worth it… I use mine constantly.

lol…i thought DVR was an extra $13 a month…now i’m just confused

adelphia is one fucking shady company. i wouldnt be surprised if they charge different people different amounts. and the people who work at their office on maple are super retards (dont know if anyone here works there {so dont flame}, oh and I dont mean to offend the retards on here).

Some people here work for the intenet support, but no one i know works for sales. I used to to internet support before i was saved by christ’s love…Or maybe that was Rubicant in a loin cloth??? Either way he has a hairy ass.

Get TiVo. For $300 total, you’d be set for “life.” That’s less than 2 years of leasing an Adelphia-owned POS for $17 / mo.

Things TiVo can do that Adelphia can’t:
• Automatically record (suggested) shows you’re likely to enjoy
• Dump shows to your computer, for archival, or burning to DVD
• Stream MP3s to your TV from your PC
• Stream MPEG-2 video to your TV from your PC
• View photos from your PC on your TV
• View weather from on your TV
• Listen to PodCasts on your TV
• More…