Adult league soccer?

I know it doesn’t fit everyone’s schedules, but Josh did a good job at least finding SOMETHING.
Now we can at least get something going.
BDSL fall league has a deadline early in August, so we can get a full squad together for that if there is interest.
There are other options at a couple of fall leagues in the area too.

Yes! I think BDSL Fall should be our true goal to accomidate everyone… well treat this session at Epic as a little warm up/trial run for that league. Ill stay on top of the BDSL thing unless someone else who has experience with that league wants to.

Keep checking back on this thread, im sure there will be games that we need fill-ins and if thats the case, ill post up here first in the event you guys can make it.

Why dont you grab one for sure for now and maybe feel out a few additional. We have 5 speeders, plus BadBunnys bro in net, plus hes inviting 2 additional. I think wed like to keep 10 or 11 on the roster this session.

Deposit is in btw, we owe the rest at the first game.

do you want me to get some players?

Trying to give everyone the opportunity to bring at least one person so yes, grab one.

I think if you get one, Bastinado gets one and Badbunny gets 2, that we’ll be all set on guys

okay so whens the first game?

July 16th… the schedule hasn’t been made yet but ill post the time as soon as I know

Is there any roster spot available? I would like to play. I play D/mid

For sure man! You in for sure?

yes.For sure

Little too short notice for this session. Wish I could guys.

^^^Be ready for Fall!

As it stands:

  1. moboost4u
  2. tearsofnorris
  3. Bad Bunny
  4. ubengineering
  5. Bastinado
  6. AngryHero
  7. Bad Bunny +1 (Keeper)
  8. Bad Bunny +1
  9. Bad Bunny +1
  10. tearsofnorris +1

Can you guys give me positive confirmations asap as to if you will be grabbing a non-nyspeeder for sure so we can get this set? First game is next Tuesday and with 10 guys we’ll be looking at $80 a head for everything.

What position would you like me to get for the +1?

I think just a good team player may work best, someone who doesn’t mind paying anywhere. It sounds like we’re blending a lot of skill levels and positions already here, so anyone who can help out at any position needed would be valuable. Keep in mind we’ll be rotating out almost a full squad some games so hopefully nobody will have a problem filling in out of position every now and then.

I’m pumped! I’ll also play anywhere, IDGAF, just wanna have some fun

This is sweet.

Just got back from epic, games are looking to be starting at 6,7,8, or 9 PM. They may also postpone the first week to the following week; which would be fine by me. My last game in this session is next week at 8, I’d hate to have to choose, or play chance and hope I don’t need to play for the NYS team afterwords.

Are we just doing black tees this session for jerseys? I’d suggest having an alternate in your bag too like white, because the pinnies at epic smell disgusting…

Also, my +1 options have either committed to another team this session or are too busy. If we really need a guy from week to week, I’ve got a fantastic all around player who said he’d join in from week to week if we need him, but couldn’t make the session commitment this time.

Im with you on the pinnies thing… those things are gross, my flag football team somehow always looses the toss and gets stuck with them lol.

Bad Bunny, want to ask one more guy then? Also would like to hear from tearsofnorris about his +1.

That would be awesome, thanks.
They are really interested and never miss a game.

Alright boys, got the call from Epic last night… first game is Next Tuesday 7/16, at 8:00pm. I think from here forward it’d be nice to have all your phone numbers for this stuff so if it’s cool why don’t you pm those my way when you get a second.

Well that’s an unfortunate slap in the face…

Is black (white alternates) decided for the jerseys?