Adult Vehicle?

I think he is saying they are not adult if it is your only vehicle. But on the other hand i think someone that has a legit well build race car of the sort is adult given it isn’t their only vehicle. But I might be biased.

Meh. I still wouldn’t use 2 seaters as a blanket statement. I can see some older people driving a miata or a stook as a DD.


what are you trying to get at with this thread? Because after all these responses to your question…your only input/response has been “i hate you”

pretty much anything practical that can be used as a DD and nice looking (not flashy)

it’s a pretty broad question though

What about a RX-8?

I see people that aren’t exactly kids driving them year round. I think those people are just out of place or something.

Jason(1bedrex), your screwed, post pics of the domestic rice lol

lol ?

There’s definitely no single answer.

Single guy living in a warm state, 2 seat vette could be an adult DD. Still going to lose some points for the image it gives off toward professional types.

Great example. The last place I worked at was basically a satellite office with the main corporate headquarters in FL. Sometimes big clients would come up to see the Buffalo datacenter, but the highest up manager there had an older Civic 5 speed with no A/C and a minivan with a right to life bumper sticker. For an older management type who had to pick up high level executives I wouldn’t consider either of those the proper adult vehicle.

The hot summer day he stuffed three Pfizer execs into his Civic was definitely a low point for the company. I would have let him borrow my Expedition had I known what he was doing.

:word: :word: :word:


Barely modified at that


Easy there.

Anyway, it’s mine. I’m 37, have a wife and 2 kids. I actually bought it looking like this, except with a set of 14" wheels and snows. It came with the ghetto Fliks.

Car: bought for $800

Total money into it with the following maintenance (water pump with housing, thermostat, timing belt, tensioner, valve cover gasket, all breather tubes, water neck on head, plugs, wires, cap, rotor, coil, wheel bearings, fresh synthetic oil change, Bosal/Brospeed stainless exhaust), including the car: $1500

30mpg even when beat upon mercilessly by my wife who drives it more than I.

Pretty sound, adult decision, I would say.

I’m not attacking you in anyway. When I think Adult vehicle I think a more mature style. I see a kid with a popped collar and American eagle shorts driving that car. Not someone well off at the age of 30.

Again Its a great fit for your situation, just not an “adult car”

Don’t say /thread because Fry will come along and merge or close it. :wink:

Heh…to be honest, I picture some ghetto punk driving it. My wife got pulled over in Batavia the other day for a brake light issue. No possible way the cop parked on the side of the road could have known this before she started following her for a mile or so. Still, as soon as my wife drove by her, out pulls the cop looking for punks. When she finally walked up to the car, she seemed very surprised at:
-attractive mid 30’s white woman, alone
-file boxes, laptop and projector in back seat
-legit inspection/registration/licensed driver
-lack of boom-boom-boom eminating from car.

So, in a sense, I agree.

its a stereotype, and profiling im suprised she didnt get a window tint ticket. 90% of those jettas out there have brake light issues too.

when that car was new it was a sensible “adult” car. but now its seen as a “teen” car because thats what they can afford.

i guess the best way to determine what car is an “adult” car is to look at the Insurance company ratings. For some reason MY WRX has lower liability ratings than my FORD FOCUS. same model years. same displacement… one’s turbocharged… and the other is slow as ballz. I would consider the wrx more adult than a pos ford.

Anything I drive…

umm… we’re not talking about old folks cars… just Adult…

I’m sure it was coming no matter if i said it or not

Being absurdly general:

Saabs, Lincolns, Caddys, Acuras (Exluding the Integra), Lexus, most Infinities, Muscle cars to an extent, Audis (Excluding A3, and possibly some other older models), most BMWs, Mercedes. And quite a few others.

BMW M5 would be my vote

I just took this pic in my driveway. As I stated before, anything I drive. lol