Nothing cheesy. Just a motto, whether its “at your service whenever you need us” or “we’ll match any price” or whatever. I mean, JJ’s has one and basically it is just “specializing in GM performance cars and trucks, rebuildables, and used parts”. That saves them alot of time having to fuck with people with fords or chryslers calling in. Domination’s is good and simple too “Higher Quality, Better Prices, Faster turnaround”. Nothing stupid about that, but it conveys a good message.
I’d be glad to be a sounding board for ideas for ads/marketing if you need them, just pm me or something.
This looks better…

Might want to use blue text instead of orange as it’s a natural turn off colour whereas blue is “cool” and more appealing to the eye.
Actually though, that isn’t bad. I know its a little tounge in cheek, but that tag line isn’t awful
How about, Darkstar’s Pool Management “I’ll clean your pool, and push in your stool” :idb:
- It’s true
- People will remember it
J/K Mike, looks good.
puuurfect catchline darkstar
SEriously, I was going for the layout, not teh funny :doh:
omg lolz f0r ReAL???!!
(actually I used a couple of your suggestions on the layout. Not so much with the colors since it turns out its gonna have to be a black and white ad).